
Daniel Negreanu’s Small Ball Strategy

Author : Betting on Profit

Free Poker Bankrolls: www.poker006.com The small ball strategy that I employ is so effective that anyone who uses it can succeed in deep stacked tournaments. By not understanding the effectiveness of this approach you can never become a great live tournament player. It is completely impossible. Whether you are a Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced player, Negreanu has created training modules that will improve your Hold’em game. Daniel explains exactly what to do, when to do it, and why! And for the first time ever, Negreanu reveals the advanced tournament strategy that the pros have been hiding. Daniel Negreanu has often been called the unofficial ambassador of poker. His charm mixed with highly instinctive and effective play make him a huge fan-favorite. He is one of the highest-grossing tournament players of all-time, with winnings of more than $9 million. While nursing dreams of a career in acting or comedy, the 15-year-old learned to play a little poker. By 16, he was spending time in pool halls, hustling, sports betting and – yes – playing cards. By the time he was 18, Negreanu had dropped out of high school – one credit short of graduation – to focus on poker. He started supplementing his play at illegal games around town with trips to charity casinos. For a more traditional lifestyle, he tried one day as a telemarketer and a month working at a Subway, but his path clearly led elsewhere. At 21, Daniel took the money he’d made to try his talents against the world’s

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25 Responses to “Daniel Negreanu’s Small Ball Strategy”

  1. sajato99 Says:

    Yup, novice players will get themselves into a lot of trouble following this advice.

  2. Gmann6666 Says:

    wtf i watched this video to see the fucking outcome and it never came… FUCKER!!

  3. Seanyboyh Says:

    this advice is definitely good but only for advanced players. You try and get a weak loose or calling station type player to fold an overpair by bluffing that river and you are burning money.

  4. ojideagu Says:

    Err just becaue he’s a bracelet winner does not mean everything he says is correct or the best strategy. Infact small ball has been shown to be merely a week version of a loose aggressive style with small bets. If small ball was so great it would have been adopted by a lot more players. That’s why Daniel is being creamed at High stakes cash games by the better players.

  5. Deimnos Says:

    have you ever noticed that if you make a successful bluff, then show it, the rest of the game people will assume you are always bluffing? can be very usefull:)

  6. Deimnos Says:

    That is possible and i speak from experience from experience; Managed to bluff my opponent that had trips from the flop; had both straight and flush draw, but i didnt get it till the end, however i managed to bluff him into folding three of a kind:D
    Showed him the bluff afterwards too:)

    So if you can read an opponent, you can get away with a play like this, however, just as Daniel said, not always

  7. Deimnos Says:

    Actually, that can work IF YOU READ YOUR OPPONENT RIGHT, i’m talking from personal experience. I once had an excellent night palying poker with friends and got into a hand you just described: i had flush and straight draw, but in the end, i did not get it. My only opponent that lasted to the river had trips from the turn, and very high trips. With the final big bet(i bet big throughout the hand), managed to make him fold:))
    I won the pot then showed him my bluff:))

  8. Fahnestock Says:

    its not meant for microstakes, hell his subscription for his site is probably double a micro’s bankroll.

  9. Fahnestock Says:

    play better players{higher levels). Most of the best players in the world are online players anyways.

  10. goug40 Says:

    Your right about the mistake about the spades but there are only 17 outs. Your counting the 4 of clubs as two outs when it is only one..

  11. checkfoldcallraise Says:

    lol at people who disagree with a multiple wsop bracelet winner like negreanu. i became a better player with better results over the years just watching and listening. i also have great people reading ability which is good because in order to learn to be a great player you have to sort of be good at it.

  12. rigbst Says:

    2 3’s? lol why isnt it 3 3s! how about you guys stfu! lol

  13. AhDaaa Says:

    its 17 outs..daniel is spot on.
    9 clubs
    3 fours
    2 fives
    3 threes

  14. baschtiii Says:

    disagree. “4c” is a fd and a str8 out. i guess daniel knows how to count outs 😉

  15. TheCornedbeefhasable Says:

    16 outs

  16. TheCornedbeefhasable Says:

    actually there are only 16 outs
    9 clubs
    3 fours
    2 fives
    2 threes

  17. yistackness Says:

    Does anyone else notice a mistake in the video? At 1:40 he mentions outs that can improve your hand on the river “3 threes, 2 fives, 3 FOURS, and 9 SPADES, equals 17 outs”… but there are 4 fours, and your outs are with clubs, not spades (unless your talking about phantom outs). So really, you have 18 outs. Comon Daniel, I expected better, lol (just kidding).

  18. TheSilligirl Says:

    Sad that not everyone’s thinking your way. I would love to earn money on you.

  19. mauricec87 Says:

    just ‘coz your a donk?

  20. Ayoudell Says:

    I revisit this vid occasionally – this comment has 61 thumbs-ups now! No doubt trying these plays on players that can’t put down top pair with top kicker or overpairs, even on a very draw-heavy board, is a bad idea(but of course Daniel stresses this in the vid) If they’re holding stronger than one pair, fuggetaboutit ;-p

  21. 1classx Says:

    A real big “go fuck your whore mother” to anyone on this stupid site who thinks they’re qualified to critique/correct Daniel. Are you out of your stupid little mind you lousy worm? Daniel will kill you. Get your donk advice to yourself and your whore of a mother.

  22. miro108 Says:

    Hi David , interesting clip with Kid Poker. From which video is this from? Also from what he says, this strategy doesn’t seem so easy in internet poker, right?

  23. linglings10 Says:

    thanks danny boy for telliing your donkey tails

  24. dial8675309 Says:

    great advice but i wouldnt recommend trying to bluff opponents who are pot committed that dont know how to click the fold button and are calling stations..these type of plays id recommend doing maybe 1/4 times or so and against tight players. You cant get predictable

  25. Stevemasta3000 Says:

    yes,,, never try to bluff a maniac

    and besides they could call you with low pairs and high cards, they can also call a preflop raise with undercards.

    Even at a live cashgame, thats where I got hitted.

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