Final Boss Part 2 & Real Ending: The final boss is obviously Dr. Neo Cortex and the crazy mask dude that wants to…destroy everyone or something, I wasn’t really paying attention. Anyway, all of the scenes before the fight in this video actually happen throughout the game, not all in the same areas as the bosses like the previous videos. Just so there’s no confusion. As you probably have already noticed, the boss fights in this game are rather simple and not too difficult for anyone who plays video games a decent amount. Either way, this last fight can be fun. It’s not hard, but it’s pretty easy to die if you don’t know what’s coming. And since your oh so helpful mask is fighting the other mask, one hit can kill you. When it starts, the two masks start attacking each other. You have to avoid touching their eye lasers while dodging Cortex’s blasts. Not too hard, just stay away from him so the shots don’t surprise you. After you dodge 3 shots, he throws mines around. He always goes from right to left, but the distance he throws them is random. So try to make sure you aren’t standing in line with him when he throws one. After he throws them, his shield drops and you can attack spin him. When you do this, the masks stop fighting for whatever reason and stand there watching you try to spin Cortex into the center. Knocking him down in there counts as one hit to him. The angle you hit him at also affects where he gets thrown, and you only have a small amount of

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25 Responses to “Crash Bandicoot 3 – Dr. Neo Cortex, Final Boss & Ending”

  1. diedloling Says:

    its funny because in cot and mind over mutant the comedy is actually..well bad and bad comedy equals a bad game

  2. diedloling Says:

    tiny was a good man,he hated everything and everyone.

  3. PorgledTwert Says:

    Uka Uka = Baron Praxis! 😀

  4. socloseno Says:

    haha and a woman with nice big outstanding big… bags of ice xD oh the innuendo

  5. xCrazyKidz421x Says:

    man this was when Dr. Cortex was badass and full of rage and wickedness, now he’s just idiotic and gay 🙁 and filled with horrible humor puns

  6. theras2009 Says:

    3 min To kill him xD !!

  7. FebreezedHD Says:

    Ooka Ooka = Morbo from Futurama

  8. GeneralSpy Says:

    “Outsmarted and outspun…”

    I’ll give Crash outspun, but outsmart? 😛 (Of course, he could just be refering to CoCo as far as ‘outsmart’ goes…)

  9. victorhugo2826 Says:

    @Birthnote i really like n.gin’s boss fight i just think it should a bit harder
    and cortex too but he need be alot harder

  10. Birthnote Says:

    @victorhugo2826 and N.Gin

  11. ryeabowser Says:

    1:40 O_O

  12. DeadlyAllianceLeader Says:

    “Without N. Tropy’s constant care and control, who KNOWS what it will do!”

    Not much it seems… Crash just kept-a-goin’.
    Probably both the best Crash game ever made, and the best Playstation game as well.

  13. thehsushoe Says:

    Haha! Now that I am older I get the sexual innuendos!

  14. lilxdaballer Says:

    try to imagine this in a rated m game… would this not be pretty cool

  15. blaircolon36 Says:

    This is a very “squealing” video. =p

  16. victorhugo2826 Says:

    @StealthDoctor omg dr.neo cortex is one perverted person i see…

  17. victorhugo2826 Says:

    oh god cortex battle was so dissapoiting…N.tropy is like thousands times harder

  18. dnmstarsi Says:

    @LaughTrack55 also Lex Luthor from Superman TAS

  19. sagadigeminis Says:

    i have a question to get the good ending you have to win the saphire golden and platinum relics o only of all of shaphire

  20. AshFangirlLisa Says:

    @btsksc0976 Me! I love the original Crash games! 😀

  21. mweepinator Says:

    @LaughTrack55 dont forget hades from god of war

  22. mickyshaun Says:

    llmaybe i should retire to a nice big beach, with a nice big drink, and a woman with nice, big bags of ice for my head”
    oh the jokes i missed as a kid

  23. MaverickHunterZero75 Says:

    @LaughTrack55 Not to mention Paralax from Green Lantern.

  24. knucklesfan8 Says:

    I don’t get why everyone said this boss was so easy. I mean, unless I had the running powerup for me he was the hardest. Even harder than N Gin!

  25. tysonstuart13 Says:

    This video is popular on Nuku’alofa

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