

Author : Betting on Profit

My memory of undying… Poetry and Motion PICTURES VIDEO Henry Charles Bukowski (August 16, 1920 March 9, 1994) was an American poet, novelist, and short story writer. Bukowski’s writing was heavily influenced by the geography and atmosphere of his home city of Los Angeles, and is marked by an emphasis on the ordinary lives of poor Americans, the act of writing, alcohol, relationships with women, and the drudgery of work. A prolific author, Bukowski wrote thousands of poems, hundreds of short stories, and six novels, eventually having over 60 books in print. In 1986 Time called Bukowski a “laureate of American lowlife.” Bukowski was born as Heinrich Karl Bukowski in Andernach, Germany to Heinrich Bukowski and Katharina Fett. His mother was a native German who met his father, an American serviceman, after World War I had ended. Bukowski’s parents were Roman Catholic.[5] He was fond of claiming that he had been born out of wedlock, but Andernach records show that his parents were in fact married a month prior to his birth After the collapse of the German economy following the First World War, the family moved to the United States in 1923, originally settling in Baltimore, Maryland. To sound more American, Bukowski’s parents began calling him “Henry” and altered the pronunciation of the family name from Bu-kov-ski ([bu’kɔvski]) to Buk-cow-ski ([bu’kaʊski]; the surname is of Slavic origin). After saving money, the family moved to South Los Angeles in 1930, where his father’s

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25 Responses to “CHARLES BUKOWSKI”

  1. poetsblend Says:

    The dog walked down the street.

  2. RyanMohrOfficial Says:

    Who doesn’t enjoy a nice beer shit now then?

  3. ezekielwahwah Says:

    ahaha well said

  4. alienbond0047 Says:

    @ezekielwahwah He’s writing and talking about reality. Poetry should be something that makes us see reality for what it is, and he takes us there…..its the same over and over because that’s what you get unfortunately in this world more of the same year after year….The same assholes that are still around…smelling like shit, but people love the one that stinks the most right.

  5. AlanHolsworth Says:

    Very appropriate that he compares his poetry to shit. Incredibly self-aware admitting that he’s only successful because there’s so little else from his contemporaries. “In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king”. I love his books, he’s a great story teller, but he’s not a great writer let alone a poet.

  6. truthbooth1 Says:

    Fuck you if you dont like bukowski….he wouldnt of liked you either!

  7. corno81 Says:

    on the stool next to mine. forever.

  8. SquishedButterfly Says:

    ballsy stuff.

    me and my brother used to do this thing when we both lived at home with our parents. the downstairs toilet had no lock on the door, so if either of us knew that the other had gone for a shit, we’d open the dor a crack and spray air freshener in to spoil the enjoyment.

    So great to hear someone else being open about taking pleasure in the stink. made my dday.

  9. jordaoheber Says:

    one of the greatest writer of all times

  10. zenmcsardo Says:

    Really good video, congratulations! There is expressed the most important Bukowski ‘s way of thinking, and congratulations for the description. We always need to remember Bukowski

  11. chimpiki Says:

    It never seems like there’s a question asked of this man. Anyone conducting an interview with him either knows well enough to let him talk, or gets just as engrossed in his stories as I do that they themselves are as speechless.

  12. nochump1982 Says:

    fuck i love this guy

  13. ezekielwahwah Says:

    Wow, that’s a smart advice.

  14. Tabish29 Says:

    @ezekielwahwah Don’t read or listen to him.

  15. MrConstantin808 Says:

    мне очень нравятся его книги,он гений

  16. poetsblend Says:

    0:20  BOSTON

  17. pudik67 Says:

    He knew something about that sick society we’ve been created. i won’t be another brick in the wall

  18. adamcapper1975 Says:

    ha, like he cared, go bother someone who really dose care mate ………

  19. ezekielwahwah Says:

    It’s funny how ANY video of Bukowski I can hardly view it for more than 2 minutes.
    After he said that he drank a LOT, been with lots of prostitutes, doesn’t like poets, doesn’t like writers and doesn’t like mankind, it all goes downhill from there. Just the same old shit aaall over again: drank a lot, been with lotsa whores, doesn’t like polite artists, doesn’t like mankind, and yet all over again, over and over… Bukowski lasts 2 minutes to me. 🙂

  20. Silvertrine Says:


    It is for me drunken assholes with a mind dont discriminate against other assholes. In fact Bukowski loved me more than you of that I’m quite sure.

  21. Morux1973 Says:

    Idiot it is not for your small brain

  22. shenkowski Says:

    Nice work

  23. redpaul79 Says:

    @Silvertrine go fuck you whore dyke mom and suck you fag junkie dad’s limp dick you AIDS infested punk..

  24. Silvertrine Says:


     You gave enough of a fuck to write a post to me. Thanks you really do care.

  25. redpaul79 Says:

    @Silvertrine and you’re just a smarmy fag with a keyboard. Nobody will ever give a fuck about you.

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