Bart Chilton: Wall Street lobbyists trying to slow down trading regulations and defund Commission

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24 Responses to “CFTC Commissioner: “A Hair Trigger Away from Economic Calamity””

  1. politicjunkee Says:

    Ok you’re smart. I get that. But hair? Really dude? Joe Biden only wishes he had your hair!

  2. raskel71 Says:

    Oh Bart, you need to educate yourself, we do not have a “Democracy” we have/had a Republic, a big difference (min 14:06). Why doesn’t the “Real News” know the real facts about our form of Government? Has any one read the Constitution-I guess not. Do you really expect the Government controlled CFTC to act in our Constitutional interests? The “Dark Market” controls CFTC & all government. Wake up

  3. 2skullscrushing Says:

    Find out and go after the people that put the put-stock options on United and American airlines, prior to the inside job 9/11 attacks. we NEED to go after them too. the SEC was involved, because when family survivors question the SEC about it, they said the info that could show that was destroyed. but i bet they eventually collected.

  4. LloydMadoff Says:

    @Budguy68 Please tell us how they were “highly regulated” as you put it. Was it the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 for example that highly regulated banks? If you think American banks are highly regulated, you need to look at Scandinavian countries or say Germany.

  5. drumsmetalheavy11 Says:

    how can there be an unregulated market that is 600 trillion dollars. Isn’t that reckless and furthermore isn’t that more than the entire world GDP. This may be great for investment bankers & wallstreet investors but this is outrageous & furthermore wreckless. How much larger can or will this market get. Insanity this is.

  6. Budguy68 Says:

    Regulation Regulation Regulation…. Banks were highly regulated before the finical collapse. This is all BS.

  7. Budguy68 Says:

    I think people like you need to be rounded up and thrown into a burning pit

  8. Tippersnore Says:

    Bart looks like a washed up surfer dude.

  9. doinkusamongus Says:

    “Good for the markets. Good for the country. Good for consumers.” Note the order of the “Goods”. Typical isn’t it? Does anybody else think Bart might be spending WAY too much time in the tanning booth? I do hope he actually does some regulating. Much of what he is saying sounds very good.

  10. lostpebble Says:

    Must watch !!!

    Banksters & Speculation Behind High Food-Oil Prices

    In 1991, CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Comission) of which  Mr. Bart Chilton represents today waivered the positional limits on future trading after lobbied by Goldman Sachs ….

  11. jibbi4one Says:

    Duh. It’s called ‘pump and dump’ on stocks, commodities, bonds etc. etc. this is not new. This is covered with older regulation don’t need more regulation or bigger bureaucracy. Just willing to enforce & apply rules.

  12. 1111MANA Says:

    I am wondering if journalists take themselves too seriously

  13. sudan15 Says:

    The current crisis is not merely a failure of the US housing bubble, that is but a symptom of a much wider and far-reaching problem. The nations of the world are mired in exorbitant debt loads, as the sovereign debt crisis spreads across the globe, entire economies will crumble, and currencies will collapse while the banks consolidate and grow. The result will be to properly implement and construct the apparatus of a global government structure.

  14. djsnakeyes Says:

    Only 1 successful prosecution of manipulation in 30 years. What a joke.

  15. aplacefaraway Says:

    @TheRealNews just read the Wikipedia article on Bart Chilton’s boss (Gary Gensler) and tell us how we are supposed to take any real effective regulation seriously??

  16. continuityofliberty Says:

    I have a question:

    Do you think we’re stupid?

  17. StraussBR Says:

    Please ask for some of TRNN economists like Michael Hudson i would like to see what he has to say about this

  18. Ex0dus111 Says:

    He is 1000% correct when he says regulation will create business.
    I trade in stocks, and while id like to trade in derivatives, there is no functional regulated controlled marked for me to do so, apart from Bull/bear stocks.
    I dont trust Goldman sachs, I dont trust Morgan stanley, so while Id like to there is no way in hell id trade in the derivatives market as it is as my investment would be gobbled up by these big unregulated fish.

  19. jopalolive Says:

    Not having regulation of financial markets, is like not having any police or military.
    Even if a police force isn’t perfect, it is better than not having one.
    The idea of a ” free market” when faced with comm. market manipulation, which has been going on for centuries, is utter fantasy and utopian.

  20. LloydMadoff Says:

    @TheRealNews Would you so kindly ask this gentleman his opinion on Commodities Futures Modernization Act of 2000 and whether Brooksley Born was right.

  21. CosmicSeaman Says:

    1.) From my perspective as an average U.S. citizen, it appears that over the last thirty years (or so) the rich have gotten much richer at the expense of the middle class and the poor, and that workers are getting provided less and less incentive to work. What is your view on this problem?

    2.) Is what we’re experiencing today regarding the consolidation of wealth the same accident that we keep crashing into? Are we at the same point that we were in 1928?

  22. streetmoney21 Says:

    @TheRealNews With a CFTC commissioner admitting on camera that large speculative positions can move markets and clear evidence of market manipulation in the silver futures market, will there be criminal charges filed against the financial institutions who have extremely large speculative positions with documented instances of using that position to execute price manipulation?

  23. crazeyspivey Says:

    @sirellyn Thanks sirellyn………and I will add one more…….Surely they pay this guy enough to get a decent hair cut, right? When he gets fired, maybe he and the idiot Bernanakkie can do a tag-team in the world wrestling arenas. Now that would draw HUGE crowds……and get Jesse Ventura to make a come back to slam both of them to the mat. 1-2-3, their OUT!

  24. blackiron60 Says:

    600 TRILLION dollars? If the entire “Dark Market” was shutdown and its assets seized that money would not only make poverty history but just about every other material problem disappear worldwide! But…of course…this is a capitalist society so that money goes into the pockets of fat cats.

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