
Want more? Visit: dateyourgame.comCall of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Walkthrough This Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Walkthrough is a Walkthrouth of Call of Duty 4 created to entertain or help players to finish COD4: Modern Warfare. The difficulty level of this Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Walkthrough is at Veteran. So in this Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Walkthrough I probably will play more carefully than usual. The reason being that to record this Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Walkthrough I have to use \”fraps\” which is reducing my frame rate and obviously increasing the level of difficulty. I must also add that at the moment where I start to record this Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Walkthrough, I only finished the game one time and have really little experience. So it’s also highly possible that in the process of recording this walkthrough I will likely die a couple of time, but I will try to make it so that it doesn’t appear to allow people to have an uninterrupted experience. Enjoy this Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Walkthrough. Don’t forget to Subscribe to my channels: + Attila16: youtube.com + Dateyourgame: youtube.com .

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25 Responses to “Call of Duty 4 Walkthrough 14 One shot, One kill.”

  1. Rodbrollin Says:

    everyone here is gay except me!!

  2. MidnightGrunt Says:

    @PeinTheSixPaths No they weren’t. IW didn’t even have that idea yet so no they were just normal Russians at the time.

  3. MidnightGrunt Says:

    God it would’ve been MINT if IW was thinking of MW2’s and 3’s story and put Makarov in the game but never introduced him.

  4. getzata96 Says:

    I remebmer that I didn’t know I had a pistol as a secondary so I shot the dogs and hostiles with my sniper! Hard as hell !!!

  5. EmpLaun Says:

    I about came in my pants when I FINALLY beat this god-damn mission. Their be no way that I could have conquered this basturd without the help of this video, thank you! God Bless the Internet!

  6. OmarMonegro Says:

    one of the best missions in the COD series

  7. berserker276 Says:

    @Gencturk92 He started that war and Makarov helped..

  8. Gencturk92 Says:

    @journeymanX it wouldn’t matter, shepherd would have still created a war.

  9. Gencturk92 Says:

    General Shepherd was the one who started the war between America and Russia, so why is people going on about makarov ? in mw2 at the end, you kill shepherd not makarov, because shepherd was the main villain

  10. raptofilms Says:

    MacMillan: Don’ shoot Zakhaev, shoot the driver behind him. Oh and don’ hit the backseat

  11. Lichelf Says:

    @115jeremy or if the bullet did’nt magicaly hit zakhaevs arm

  12. PeinTheSixPaths Says:

    Yuri and Makarov. They are in here. In vehicle on east´s are two men. They have mask but they are it they. No one was side in the car, only they. Place is on view same.

  13. stars111535 Says:

    You forgot to shoot the window that Yuri was sitting by :3

  14. DarkGuardian256 Says:

    @qulski1 true
    from start to end this mission is hard as hell

  15. Mikenopolis Says:

    i quit. the end of this level is way too hard, been stuck for a few days. play and restarted a billion times.

  16. 115jeremy Says:

    To think of all the lives that wouldve been saved if a 2nd bullet had hit Makarov

  17. namanhyugi Says:

    Capt Mac Milan : Don’t shoot Zakhaev, shoot the driver
    Price : Why ?
    Capt Mac Milan : Buy MW2 and MW3 and play the campaign, you will see

  18. qulski1 Says:

    I really can’t walk through this mission even on the lowest level

  19. TheShadowman60 Says:

    Can you kill Yuri, or Makarov here?

  20. raptofilms Says:

    There is two possible answers to where is Yuri and Makarov:

    1. They’re invisible
    2. They are sleeping

  21. MashedAvacado Says:

    best mission in first person shooter history

  22. TheShadicman Says:

    @journeymanX MW2 would have still tooken place and mw3 would have had a diffrent direction

  23. Bowserpoop97 Says:


  24. iyotube77000 Says:

    i came here not because of Makarov and Yuri, i came here to see one of the epic missions of MW series

  25. journeymanX Says:

    shoot the car where zakhaev runs into and that ends the MW series with no MW 2 and 3 taking place

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