www.infowars.com Alex Jones joins with fellow patriot Mark Dice in protesting America’s favorite sports ritual– the Super Bowl. Sure, the game is a good contest between two top rivals, but football isn’t what really matters. While America has fallen asleep in front of the television let so many distractions take over its thoughts, our country has been looted financially, our military has been used to carry out ever-expanding wars, our President and Congress have ignored the Constitution and our people have stopped their participation in the process. Until we wake up and fight back against the damage being wielded politically, we have no business getting caught up in gladiatorial distractions. The heat of the contest has become a substitute for our real manhood. Our tribal instincts to protect the community and drive away its enemies has been overtaken by the thrill of cheering, shouting, painting our faces and wearing the colors of a team. Alex calls on each of us to remember what really matters on this Super Bowl weekend– forget the pizza, nachos and the half-time musicians and educate yourself, your family and your neighbors on what the globalists have done by design to our culture and our very humanity.

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24 Responses to “Break the Matrix: Cancel the Super Bowl or America Dies”

  1. b60ni39 Says:

    he has a good point

  2. pulseshock2009 Says:

    except football and sports in the US have been around for about a hundred years. there isnt anymore new sports or more sports coming out due to the economic downturn. Yes, sports does sidetrack people but in defence, even if everyone protested what good would it do?protest’s are obviously a primitive form getting things done.Sorry but the Superbowl isnt ruining America, either is sports. Alex Jones says some smart stuff but this is dumb. The average american couldnt do anything to stop it anyway

  3. crunk62 Says:

    @kjchicago1 oooohh Well!!! GO BEARS!!!

  4. kjchicago1 Says:

    @crunk62 As you heard, the NFL Lockout is officially over! The NFL is back!

  5. dferg869 Says:

    alex i agree but youre missing the fact that the sport isn’t the only thing people talk about when they are together watching. politics, money, challenges are spoken about and debated so i think there is some merit that while it is a brain drain, when the viewers are group at a super bowl party or play offs sports commentary when compared to the volume of other subjects talked about ends up in the minority even when it is a sports gathering.

  6. crunk62 Says:


  7. keensweep Says:

    IMO todays POP culture is a large part of this issue. To keeping up with the Jonses and the Jonses are partying with there shades on. Most are so fooled they get offended at topics like this refusing to even consider it a possibility. Time to see if this comment needs approval.

  8. kjchicago1 Says:

    @911insidejob81 I don’t think they’re gonna ever do that! It’s all about money!

  9. kjchicago1 Says:

    @DackBev Says Who?

  10. SadlifeProduction Says:

    lol, this comedian is funny, does he do stand-up?

  11. freedomdreamzz Says:

    Dude I really like Football and almost all sports. If you play them you really do your physical side a favor (Physical Education is good for you) That said nothing and I REPEAT NOTHING IS MORE IMPPORTANT THAN YOUR OR IN MY CASE MY FREEDOM) from a young age under 10, I still remember films of the Declartion of Independence and the Bill of Rights, Ben , John H, thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine(Common Since) and probably the most profound Patrick Henery (Give me Liberty or give me Death) U.W.S.D.W.F.

  12. freedomdreamzz Says:

    @Ghostoffreedom816 They read the Declaration of Independencen! which was good! but they did not read the constitution they are seperate.

  13. JW1990able Says:

    @wrenault091 these people need to wake up im boycotting the superbowl

  14. abehammy Says:

    So what if you watch the Super Bowl but aren’t obsessed with it? I mean I feel happy if the team I like wins but I’m aware it’s not important if the team loses.

  15. Ghostoffreedom816 Says:

    They started the super bowl this year by reading the constitution

  16. glennwhitemen1488 Says:

    I cant help to think, men jumping around acting a fool over some guys running balls, is kinda GAY to me.

  17. OptOutAffiliate Says:

    @cadiza315 they are. msnbc recieved a nice bit of the stimulus package. they are being run by the government, instead of doing their job and covering political corruption, they are covering crap that isn’t important half of the time. alex is a radio talk show host that covers the real issues, like the top Al Qaeda under Bin Laden dining at the Pentagon 3 months after 9-11. (which was first reported by ABC)

  18. OptOutAffiliate Says:

    @IWOP1 alex isn’t saying that it makes you less informed unless you let it rule your life. entertainment is good, but only when you are not putting the entertainment over real problems. i’m not against people watching fotball, but when hospitals all accross Dallas are losing power while the stadium is kept up and running, there is a serious problem here. thats what alex is trying to say.

  19. OptOutAffiliate Says:

    @GokuGreg2001 although there are many typos here, the message is more true then most other comments i’ve come accross. it is our fault that america is dying, and if we want to stop the stagnant infestation of corruption, we must all stand up and stand together against the open faced tyranny that has been thrust upon us. thumbs up to this comment, and i hope that people all around the world wake up and stand up against the tyranny and corruption in their countries.

  20. cushmandavis Says:

    Fuck the Packers and the Steelers and fuck those who worship them.

  21. HolyJoe09 Says:


  22. torchwoody58 Says:

    Snore. Gotta run back into my parents’ basement and wait for the black helicopters to waft the chemtrails into the White House so that the Muslims can convert the infidels. Later.

  23. daijme Says:

    In Europe, soccer(Football) is incredibly more popular.

    And it is also very much more serious, ”hooligans” as they are called, starts fighting for their teams with eachother in decided locations, and they are divided into age groups. There have also been murders just for the trivial reason of sports..

    However, this is just a small group of people, most only have it as hobby to watch or do though. But we do have more knowledge about the things u talk about than Americans, for sure..

  24. howtogetwell Says:

    Good try Alex, but it’s too late. The people who don’t already see this are too far gone to comprehend.

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