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19 Responses to “Bill Klein makes a sick bluff against Phil Galfond – High Stakes Poker”

  1. flip92 Says:

    I would have folded the str8 draw to 2 raises, am I a fish???

  2. paranoid711 Says:

    Haha that was awesome. Classy reaction from Galfond as well, if it was Hellmuth they would have arrested him.

  3. undef1 Says:

    Croak claims he had AJ with the ace of spade.

  4. RandomStereotype Says:

    @4.00 the laugh of esfandiari made galfond fold, that`s the kind of player Galfowned is LOL

  5. Soo83 Says:

    LOL at youtube poker pros. None of them knows what they are talking about.

  6. alive2k7 Says:

    He played it like a set.
    He did have T6 high.
    He did not have a set.
    But he had a big heart, that is a big heart 😀

  7. ucla198 Says:

    any idiot who thinks Q10 on river is an auto call is a FISH. the pot is huge and galfond is facing a massive bet. though he has a monster, his hand has become a bluff catcher. another reason why its even harder to call is that it means klein had fired flop turn and river with flush draw or some marginal hand

  8. ucla198 Says:

    even though galfond was getting about 2:1 on a call, he has to call a massive nearly pot sized bet into an already monster pot. galfond is GOOD ENOUGH to realize that all he can beat is a bluff. klein would never bet that much even with a hand like AJ. also based on the way klein played the hand, he could easily have KJ, JJ, 22,99, and maybe even J2. KK or AA is out of question since most people would 3bet these pre regardless of their playing style

  9. ucla198 Says:

    phil galfond played it fine but i still think he should’ve raised much bigger on turn rather than do such a small raise. you have to charge draws as much as possible. kleins call on turn is ok since galfond made it so small that klein had decent odds (remember he also has a gut shot in addtion to his flush draw and they both still have a lot left in their stack). that was a great river bluff by klein. galfonds hand is very face up: either Q10, a very marginal one pair hand, a jack, or a bluff.

  10. metalrules13 Says:

    @tranquility321 The bluff at the river was great, but the call at the turn was terrible. The guy just got lucky at the river with that Jack, because it gave him a chance to bluff. Galfond played the whole hand perfectly (except he could have probably made an even bigger re-raise), he raised the turn for value and to get rid of flush/straight draws, but the other guy called him anyway (bad call), which made Phil believe that the guy had either a set or KJ.

  11. tranquility321 Says:

    @chja00 Yeah you’re right.

  12. chja00 Says:

    @tranquility321 In fact, there were a lot more hands than that which made boats. Klein straddled, so his range is really wide. There are a LOT of jacks in his range. J9, KJ and possibly J2 are all in there, and would have rivered a boat. Not an unreasonable fold at these stakes, though at the micros, it would make a lot of sense to just call here. No fish is ever going to consider they’re beat holding trip jacks.

  13. tranquility321 Says:

    @dimitriosfl The nut straight? LMAO. The ‘nut straight was the 5th nuts on this board behind JJ-KK-99-22. You’re obviously a bigger idiot then I thought. This is NOT an auto call, especially for 150k. Would obviously be an auto call for donkey/fish who play micro limit lowest stakes like you, that’s the reason Galfond is a poker genius and millionaire and you’re not. It was a great bluff by an amateur and not the worst fold ever by a pro in that spot.

  14. dimitriosfl Says:

    @tranquility321 I dont give a fuck what u say. There are two ways to lose, fh and foak, everything else he is crushing. Only if he knew that old guy xtremely well and put him on jj or kk this “could” be the right move.But then again he could have pocket aces or a flush draw. He had the nut str8 and 2:1 pot odds=autocall. Dont bother replying coz i dont care what a dumb fuck like u has to say. U insult me without even knowing me so just fuck off.

  15. tranquility321 Says:

    @dimitriosfl Do you know what pro means? How do you think he became rich, from working in mcdonalds? Galfond is a poker genius, you are just an idiot who watches poker videos and makes stupid comments on YouTube.

  16. mayorc Says:

    @Mugsi LOL, looks like a retard when he talks, but it’s dangerous at the table.

  17. dimitriosfl Says:

    ok, dumb fold..he is not a pro, he is just a rich player.. :/

  18. Mugsi Says:

    Does Laak even know what he’s saying most of the time?

  19. SheIIdonahue Says:

    Phil took that bluff like a champ.

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