
betting.betfair.ie Eamon’s World Cup Final Preview Tips: 5 point Single Spain v Holland Draw in 90mins at 3.45

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One Response to “Betfair with Dunphy World Cup Betting Tips, 9 Jul”

  1. DOCSOCKBFD777 Says:

    At the start of the world cup Eamon had a ‘big bet’ on Spain, but after their opening defeat to the Swiss suggested punters should trade out (at a loss). He then advised a ‘significant bet’ on Brazil, and a saver (ie to break even) on Holland.

    So he ain’t doing as well as he would have you believe – unless his tip of Spain to be champs AND Villa to be top banana steams in at 17.5

    Enjoyed Eamon’s wc blog, but sorry old chap, anyone following your tips on UTUBE are showing a loss.

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