
Beowulf OGS

Author : Betting on Profit

rapidshare.com Now listen carefully…everytime you listen to this, Kyosuke’s theme, I want you to unnecessarly waste all your ammo on one person. Remember it’s cructial that its unnecessary. Beowolf SRW OGS


23 Responses to “Beowulf OGS”

  1. pwnedp Says:

    Who else wished there was a Super Robot called the ATX with Kyosuke as the main pilot!

  2. pwnedp Says:

    I love the alteisen but man, it is annoying that it has the speed of a super robot and the armor of a real robot lol.

  3. Farvan893 Says:

    2 people were Staked &Claymored & possibly one is Axel

  4. Usedtoseeflagedvid Says:

    I think Kyosuke’s a gambler…
    “Now i have a card to play”
    “This is my trump card”

  5. MyVanir Says:

    Two people didn’t see that trump card coming.

  6. TheIvanZero Says:

    Sometimes, I quite like Alteisen, and the Revolver Stake/Bunker!

  7. EarthGainX Says:

    Favourite OGs theme if not SRW theme ever. I never get tired of hearing this theme, it always manages to pump me up! Revolving Bunker!

  8. 5c0ttiex Says:

    @StrikeFreedomEd which it already did in the shadow mirror world

  9. StrikeFreedomEd Says:

    @Durwagon Alteisen Riese the Real Robot that is absolutely convinced it can take down SRX

  10. 306cbs Says:

    @Socram Why won’t Nis let you add beowulf’s theme in ZHP.
    The game would own a lot more.

  11. Socran Says:

    I just had to mute my PSP and turn this on when I equipped the Pilebunker item in Zettai Hero Project, which is basically the Revolver Stake severed from Alteisen’s arm. It even has a special skill, Stake Bunker (as in, Revolver Stake + Revolver Bunker), that looks like the last part of OG1’s Trump Card and hits one enemy up to three panels away, as well as changing a portion of your characters theme song to the “Super Robot Version”.

  12. Sagemaster00 Says:

    Alright time to go on counter strike and use all my ammo on a fucking T YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. TheSLKING Says:

    @LM314V21 :It’s little noses that are caused by blowing into those pipes

  14. Izumabakumatsu Says:

    @Kraurion MOre ammo, you mean.

  15. KruxisV Says:

    The beginning sounds a lot like the beginning of “The Winner.” But then no.

  16. StrikeFreedomEd Says:

    which is better claymore overlord or code: kirin

  17. ssjmega Says:

    @BrotherhoodOfTheDead …uhhh ok…o_e

  18. BrotherhoodOfTheDead Says:

    @ssjmega alright i can agree to that
    as long as we both agree that kyosuke has a damn fine ass 😉

  19. ssjmega Says:

    @BrotherhoodOfTheDead that i can agree ryusei is a new face and that a couple of the cast have some traits from kyusoke but then again there are people like ryusei as well (irm, excellen, guy with the purple hair and bandana ect) so i will only say that the 2 characters as equal in there own right.

  20. BrotherhoodOfTheDead Says:

    @ssjmega i’m not calling you gay. its perfectly normal to think someone looks “cool.” He’s a young attractive man who gets women, what man wouldn’t want to be him? I like Ryusei because half of the male cast in SRW are the typical cryptic, post-war scarring stoic stuck up assholes, that Ryusei is quite a refreshing change. He reminds me a lot of Judau Ashta (greatest anime protagonist) a happy-go-lucky pilot who retains his happy nature even after realizing the horrors of war.

  21. ssjmega Says:

    @BrotherhoodOfTheDead well think what you think …wait …*ahem* why did that just sound like you are calling me gay… ok back to the conversation, you say you think i like the character because of looks… no, i have only seen 2-4 pics of the character… i could care less, all i care about is the character’s actions, looks have nothing to do with it… i mean where did you come up with that. i will ask you at least this …why do YOU like ryusei, that is something i have not heard.

  22. BrotherhoodOfTheDead Says:

    @ssjmega im almost 100% sure that you only find him interesting because how he looks. Im sure if he had the appearance of Porkins you wouldn’t be a fan. Just sayin

  23. ssjmega Says:

    @BrotherhoodOfTheDead well you got me there i will consead defeat but i put up a good fight and i will not judge you because you hate a character that i find as interesting. you enjoy a main character that is the same as a large majority of other main characters but i feel like taking a main character that is different and acts appone …different actions and intents. now let us go on our different ways and stick to what we think not judging others on the thinking. i injoyed the argument though.

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