
BANZAI – See how long Mr. Shake Hands Man 2 can shake celebrity Angelina Jolie’s hand!!!

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25 Responses to “BANZAI – Mr. Shake Hands Man 2 – Angelina Jolie”

  1. fungus789 Says:

    Wow I would kill to spend 67 seconds doing ANYTHING with Angelina Jolie.

  2. askmeab0utmylobotomy Says:

    I love mr. shake hands man.

  3. merseymained Says:

    @MrBoBoTom- i know what you mean, this was hysterical tv first time round. Mr Shake Hands Man – LegBend.

  4. MrBoBoTom Says:

    This remends of when when TV was funny.

  5. Yora21 Says:

    We have a special term for such pranks in the Department for Linguistics. Except when you do it FOR SCIENCE! to see how people react to being slightly weird during conversation, it’s called an experiment and not a prank.
    Most fun if you do it with foreigners, they are never quite sure if you’re from a country with strange customs or a loony.

  6. deathcreator Says:

    i shook his hand today at ALA

  7. arumdevil Says:

    @acphenom LMFAO!

  8. DirtyNesty Says:

    Prace your bets now!

  9. Lightboiardo Says:

    I miss first Mr. Shake Hands. =

  10. nevadastreak Says:

    @hrimfaxi989 Yo wasting our time fat man!

  11. 2degucitas Says:

    Enrigh is arsum, awersom, alsume, awesomme, oh heck, very guud!!!!

  12. alwaysupononewheel Says:

    This guy rules.

  13. acphenom Says:

    2 more seconds and he would’ve been there

  14. mithrilpurple Says:


  15. KurtBaclig Says:

    ahaha Tadao Tomomastsu, he goes to anime conventions and shit. I had dinner with him once at a chili place.

  16. dontchuckitson Says:

    i wish i was mr hand shake man

  17. akuma4u Says:

    wtf r u talking about she looked fucking hot as always…

  18. IlBannato4ever Says:

    the genius of the hand shakingXD

  19. smpowis Says:

    Wow she looked awkward.

  20. chepchep123 Says:

    hahahahahahaha this shit hilarious RESTART THE CLOCK!!!

  21. chepchep123 Says:


  22. hrimfaxi989 Says:


  23. mcfcluvinit Says:

    i really miss this show tooooooooo funny

  24. Rahuri88 Says:

    OMG, it has been years since i saw this.
    <3 missed this rly

  25. doenietzozielig Says:


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