
BANZAI – Watch “Lady One Question” ask only ONE question to Graham Norton!!!

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25 Responses to “BANZAI – Lady One Question – Graham Norton”

  1. krishsaccount Says:

    sword of silence

  2. idonthaveanamewtf Says:

    Damn, he knew what she was doing from the start. I would’ve laughed too the way he kept cocking his head. XD

  3. arknell Says:

    His kung fu is strong…

  4. MrShinyObject Says:

    “slain by a mortal man”

  5. heavenorr Says:

    holy shit this is the best one

  6. wetdogpenis Says:

    Lick her face.

  7. REDDRAKON Says:


  8. angrygreek1985 Says:

    lol fucking owned

  9. HyruleanHero1988 Says:

    Lady One Question is cute…

  10. BeakyRed Says:

    lol he actually beat her at her own game!!

  11. MrBoBoTom Says:

    SO SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. thosenightswrong Says:

    silence has never been this funny

  13. arteddie Says:

    playing at her own game. well done graham

  14. Lulz839 Says:

    @JosephStrings If it was, I kind of hate Graham Norton now, solely because he brought an end to this. 😐

  15. youngsaaron Says:

    she was most likely hung after this display. she has been surrogated’d

  16. cocstudent Says:

    Did this guy do the voice for Shadow Warrior?

  17. sunu107 Says:

    Lady One Question GIVE IN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Braeden123698745 Says:

    Lady one question interviews lady one question. (Universe breaks)

  19. VeniouseVostok Says:

    Long Live Graham Norton!

  20. MechaTailsMK2 Says:

    Unbelieveable. Graham Norton, the only one celebrity that has beaten Lady One Question.

  21. snapy48 Says:

    graham beasted her out lol


    this is so tupid

  23. Fizzisist Says:

    I just knew that wouldn’t work on Norton. He’s kooky enough to out-kook anyone.

  24. Zeamus634 Says:


    Who gives a shit besides you?

  25. DemonBankai Says:

    @Zeamus634 its spelt bAnzai….its in the title ffs

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