A crazy horse racing video game/robotic horse race. You can bet just like you can at the track, and you can even buy a card, name your own horse, and develop him/her!

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25 Responses to “Awesome horse racing game at our local Tokyo game center”

  1. byroncollis Says:

    his mother was a mudder

  2. theelusiveone Says:

    This looks like a lot of fun. Wish I could find one in New York.

  3. nuipret Says:

    hey man this is a brilliant little horse race game. i’d love one. i actually thought it was a proper video of a horse race projected on to the floor. yet again the japanese are years ahead of the rest of us when it comes to fun games.

  4. 000thisone000 Says:

    Im already addicted from watching!

  5. tommy444able Says:

    fuck me that looks great

  6. unclebobunclebob Says:

    how do the horses move…do the legs actually propel them?

  7. Bloodstock64 Says:

    Looked like the track was favoring speed that day.


    someone can give me some tips to bet on these machines?

  9. LastTree Says:

    I would love to own that..

  10. Rimfaxe96 Says:

    It would be a great game for kids in Germany^^

  11. SecretDagger Says:

    Do you know the name of the machine? I have it at the arcade I go to, but I can’t read Japanese so I just make assumtions to what things are, I’d really like to play this correctly though. haha.

  12. replayon Says:

    who needs real horses now? :P

  13. nevsky187 Says:

    Actually it’s cooler than it looks. You can buy a card, make your own horse with its own stats on the card, train it, hire jockeys to ride it, bet money on it, etc. When the magnetic race happens your horse is assigned to one of the horses on the board. It’s great.

  14. FoReal100 Says:

    That’s so cool!! haha

  15. TheVirtualGames Says:

    I preffer real horse racing

  16. danmasmo Says:

    How much is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. DeGarmo2 Says:

    hahaha I read this comment before actually watching it and was like.. what could the grey horse could have done that’s so bad… hahahahaha Reading this comment beforehand actually raised my level of entertainment for this video.

  18. guest3224487 Says:

    What was the jockey on the grey thinking?
    Moral beaten

    Would love to see the stewards report 🙂

  19. all4pharlap Says:

    is it on the internet

  20. WhiteCamry Says:

    I don’t suppose they have a steeplechase version of that?

  21. Industriajor Says:


  22. jaylew1987 Says:

    oh ok cool. they need a horse racing game for ds

  23. nevsky187 Says:

    I think there are magnets under the table that control the horses.

  24. jaylew1987 Says:

    Are they remote controlled or sumpin?

  25. breyerdude Says:

    that is awesome

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