
[Subs] After Talk: Betting Scandal

Author : Betting on Profit

OGN commentators discuss the betting scandal

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25 Responses to “[Subs] After Talk: Betting Scandal”

  1. liquidpersuasion Says:


  2. Chnamanjx Says:

    … is that a huge plate of fried chicken???

  3. l000st Says:

    다음주 결승전에 가득찬 사람들에 감동했었죠 ㅠㅠ

    하지만 재경기 크리 -,-;

  4. grindingitup Says:

    i can watch carrier eat his pasta and chicken all day, lov watching him eat >:)

  5. SpontaneousRetard Says:

    Is it just me, or do these guys just eat chicken in every show

  6. triplejinx Says:

    @hotboymm777 wow

  7. Ayumu50 Says:

    @ghostrr The funny thing is that i’ve only saw this ceremony today and pited him, a few minutes later i found about this scandal

  8. StrikerX228 Says:

    Read this article to see player names.
    (double you’s) . teamliquid . net / forum / viewmessage . php ? topic (underscore) id = 125601

  9. wowwofication Says:

    Can anyone tell me which people actually fixed matches besides savior?

  10. ppshchik Says:

    Hahaha I always hated that fucker Savior. I’m glad he got all of his titles revoked and i hope he goes to jail.

    and btw Savior: Don’t drop the soap!

  11. nozomi2311 Says:

    김캐리 너 나 잘하세요!

  12. perhocks Says:

    wow they’re really intelligent people.. the way they talk

  13. UnholyOneToo Says:

    @meatissodumb fuck in the ass ur mommy and daddy, u fuckin cunt

  14. hotboymm777 Says:

    tooli.co.kr/board/654228 (u have to scroll down)
    here is where Savior losing purposely. Castor Kang is like “wow how he lose after winning all this?”
    Just watch Savior’s face after he lose. LMAO!!!

  15. hotboymm777 Says:

    man Mr.Um caster makes me hungry… i want that chicken so bad

  16. hotboymm777 Says:

    this scandal is over. ALl those caught hwasin, savior, and some others already apologized and paied fee to court 🙂

  17. SovietSR71 Says:

    good shit. fuck savior

  18. Tyke91 Says:

    @AnimeIntroStyles4 :^| while you DO never know, I don’t think flash would give up a golden mouse and a chance to be both MSL and OSL champion simultaneously for any amount of cash… hell, that kid makes a killing playing games Legally… why would he need more money and risk being outcast from Esports forever?

  19. AnimeIntroStyles4 Says:

    @Tyke91 You never know o.O

  20. djzapz Says:

    Thanks for this

  21. Tyke91 Says:

    @AnimeIntroStyles4 I seriously doubt Flash, Jaedong and Effort have been throwing matches. Their records and win rates are just too good for that 😉

  22. AnimeIntroStyles4 Says:

    Well Flash, Jaedong, and Effort haven’t been found to cheat yet so at least the top of the game is safe for now.

  23. rbrtchng Says:

    @Fate025 or just gg and rage quit.

  24. Fate025 Says:

    I really loved iloveoov’s parting words near the end of the video, “even if everything is destroyed, we will just rebuild it” thats a really positive view of things, it should be pinned up on a wall and read everyday : )

  25. Nostalgamagic Says:

    I agree with the fat guy; This scandal was inevitable. All these naive players with little knowledge of the real world suddenly being offered big money when betting sites realize there’s a profit in E-sports, there’s bound to be someone who is tempted. There has been scandals like this in any big sport, so it’s not surprising

    The involved players need to have their licenses revoked just to make an example. Younger players will imagine their careers crashing and will not be tempted in the future

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