
Stakes Winner 2 – Sega Saturn

Author : Betting on Profit

LOL bloody love this game – been playing it on the Neo Geo and the Saturn for years. It’s a real quick game to play, and each time you won’t have it on long, but it’s so colourful, noisy, pleasant to play and of course CHEAP, it would be a crime not to have it in a Sega Saturn games collection. You can convert some of the text to English using an option on the main screen, but to be honest it can be played even in full Japanese because there are so many pictures and icons. Smashing stuff.

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2 Responses to “Stakes Winner 2 – Sega Saturn”

  1. agreekgod11 Says:

    this looks amazing! im planing on buying soon…..how much of the text can you convert into english?

  2. gumdeo Says:

    Neat game!

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