
Jeeves & Wooster S02E02 Part 1/5

Author : Betting on Profit

Jeeves & Wooster property of ITV “A Plan For Gussie”

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25 Responses to “Jeeves & Wooster S02E02 Part 1/5”

  1. nonohino Says:

    Bloody hell, Martin Clunes!

  2. Zajuts149 Says:

    Is Fink-Nottle wearing a soft hat before Goodwood?

  3. ingahauks77 Says:

    ‘Yes It is Martin Clunes

  4. jenniferbtmn16 Says:

    I seem to prefer the other M. Bassett, the one featured in “Comrade Bingo.” Listening to her recite poetry fills me with fizz and ginger.

  5. jenniferbtmn16 Says:

    Almost every time an English manor is called for you see the same estate over and over, the same estate used in this episode. I first saw it used in a version of “The Secret Garden.” The English must be super happy to all be living in one house together.

  6. kyrilka Says:

    Orwell in his defense describes him as a complete idiot who was too naive to grasp the meaning of nazism. Milne, who knew him better, even worked with him concludes that he was a nazi collaborator.
    what’s interesting, at the time of his investigation he pretended he didn’t know Plack’s name (a former Hollywood film extra turned Nazi propaganda official who asked him to do the broadcasts) but there are friendly letters found where PWG addresses him as his friend.

  7. yukicross199 Says:

    ok the actor playing Gussie…is that really how he speaks?

  8. mvpranav Says:

    Sigh, I wouldn’t be able to take all the ensuing fun that would inexorably follow when Stiffy starts convincing Bertie to do all her “little whims” if they get engaged!

  9. 1sparkypower1 Says:

    “the black shorts” hahaha 😀

  10. KevinByrne2 Says:

    6:19 — After curate Harold Pinker’s prospective father-in-law, Sir Watkyn Bassett, refused to let his ward, “Stiffy,” marry him, I should think that Harold would fall on his knees and give thanks to almighty God for His infinite mercies — namely, being spared from a life shackled to that beast, Stiffy.

  11. Orlabobz Says:

    “Ah Jeeves, glad to see you here. Your just the sort of person we need in the movement, the working classes”
    “I hesitate to contradict you, Mr. Spode, but the working classes and I have barely a nodding acquaintance. Good afternoon”
    BOOM!! You go Jeeves! Put Spode in his place whilst up keeping your superb standards for courtesy!

  12. GiniBaggins Says:

    I sense Bill Bailey’s presence 😀

  13. ahenmaxtae Says:

    jeeves in his long butler coat with the tail bits looks so… dashing? butlery? he looks spiffy fer sure


    @ 4:23 I think Jeeves looks like Murdoch from Murdoch Mysteries. At least where his suit and hat are concerned.

  15. wolfxbloed Says:

    Good one. As opposed to ROFLYSST? (Rolling on floor laughing yet somehow still typing.)

  16. booyah2094 Says:

    Spode: ” I am not in the habit of talking Rot!”

    Gussie: “Well I mutht thay that you are doing dathsed well for a beginner”

    ROTFLSMTITIBAG (Rolling on the floor laughing so much that I think I bust a gut.)

  17. booyah2094 Says:

    “If you can’t do a simple thing like stealing a Police Man’s helmet!” LOL.

  18. gamerguy50 Says:

    The accusation that Wodehouse was a Nazi simpathizer came as a result of his being interned by the Nazi’s when France fell. PGW was living in France at the time. Before his release, the Nazis put him on the radio. He was very niave about politics and allowed the German interviewer to get him to say that he had been well treated during his internment. Wodehouse had no idea how this would sound to his countrymen who were then undergoing bombing during the Battle of Britian.

  19. GoodW0lf Says:

    It’s Clunes!

  20. mikeincalifornia Says:

    Absolutely. Not only can he put on an American accent, he can do a whole range of them. Southern, New England, African-American, you name it. He can even do them while singing which is not an easy trick to pull off.

  21. mikeincalifornia Says:

    Absolutely. Not only can he put on an American accent, he can do a whole range of them. Southern, New England, African-American, you name it. He can even do them while singing which is not an easy trick to pull off.

  22. Hoppit89 Says:

    But Spode is a ‘baddie’! You’re meant to dislike and ridicule the character! Probably it’s more the Winnie-the-pooh thing! 😀

  23. ihply0106 Says:

    “Tomorrow is a new day. The future lies ahead.”
    “You know I never thought of that.”
    Love the look Jeeves has after that line.

  24. o0SouthparkGirl0o Says:

    Okay, Spode scares me actually a lot. But I love Jeeves’ dissaproving look through the whole scene.
    Thanks so much for uploading these, I would never have come across them otherwise. <3 Thanks from Germany.

  25. Forscythe80 Says:

    Whats with the upperclass women, most are an utter “name for a female dog with the first letter being a B”

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