
You Better You Bet – The Who (Lyrics)

Author : Betting on Profit

You Better You Bet oh You better you better you bet. oh You better you better you bet. oh w You better you better you bet. You better you better you bet. I call you on the telephone My voice too rough with cigarettes. I sometimes feel I should just go home but I’m dealing with a memory…

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25 Responses to “You Better You Bet – The Who (Lyrics)”

  1. sweetgyy Says:


  2. bucky468 Says:

    No offense against Ringo’s boy but why exactly did The Who fire Kenney Jones? Who was their drummer during their ’89 reunion tour?

  3. malcolmpierce7 Says:

    First time I heard this I thought it was on the radio I thought it was a Stienman/Meatloaf song. Then I found out it was the Who and was like “REALLY?!” Good tune regardless.

  4. RoflxRhonda Says:

    ♥♥♥♥ ;D this song…!!

  5. TheHazmatt13 Says:

    who? lol

  6. krookedalien Says:

    the who FTW

  7. nowysz Says:

    Happy Birthday Pete!

  8. GHgirl620 Says:

    do you like the who? you better you better you bet ;)

  9. 28drew28 Says:

    great lyrics

  10. mike66002000 Says:

    live on who

  11. psychodelicide Says:

    I remember when this song first came out – I was a senior in high school, getting ready to graduate. My, how time does fly!

  12. Nigel613 Says:

    what a fuckin’ nut job 🙂

  13. rodthegreat08 Says:

    I love the song but it brings back some bad memory’s of the time my ex dummped me. This song was playing lol.

  14. mrmarine1962 Says:

    Me too. I forgot what a great song it is. I actually whipped out my Who albums and listened to songs I haven’t heard in along time. take care.

  15. Kingrob30 Says:

    I was just listening to this on my way to work this morning.

  16. RToor34 Says:

    my friend asked me what i was listening to. I told my friend i listen to rock. He was like wtf is the matter with you all they do is scream and you can’t understand a word they say.

    That’s how much people today have knowledge of music.

  17. MelanieBarrettRules Says:

    This songs is fucking awesome.

  18. kodiakfred140 Says:

    Went to a junior high dance where they played this. I was laughing the whole time because I knew the lyrics. It just seemed odd when I was 13.

  19. thewriter1008 Says:

    It’s filled with awesome rock, it works rhythmically, and it rhymes with old T-Rex. Why not?

  20. demonsticator666 Says:

    this comment will get get thumbed up randomly

  21. bananaboi18 Says:

    When i say i love this song . . . they scream you better you better you bet XD

  22. Tbolt1000TForLife Says:

    great song!!!

  23. 5150zac Says:

     love the song love the who

  24. vaguelyhumanoid Says:

    “To the sound of old T-Rex
    oh, and Who’s Next”
    The Who listen to… The Who?

  25. demonsticator666 Says:

    I dont really care how much you love me. A little is alright, as long as you say come over and spend the night

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