College football fans are probably the most passionate fans out there. And rivalries run deep. So deep, in fact, that fans will often jump at the chance to prove their undying faith in their teams by promising to do some crazy things if they lose. Of course if they win, the tables turn. That’s a gentlemanly wager, and it becomes an unbreakable social contract between fans with a simple shake of hands. It’s not crazy, it’s sports.

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24 Responses to “Shake On It — It’s Not Crazy, It’s Sports — ESPN Commercial”

  1. 32abazz Says:

    0:26 LOL new idea for a future bet……

  2. WeaponsPlusMAS Says:

    Best ESPN Commercial ever, Gross but funny at the same time.

  3. Avizz978 Says:


  4. Laughman57 Says:

    I love how right at the beginning it says “do not attempt” when we ALL know we’re going to try to convince any1 willing to take these consequences in a bet lol

  5. pjm5678 Says:

    New immigrants coming to the US, take note.

  6. cj46526 Says:

    I don’t see anything in this video about mowing the lawn!!! 

  7. d90et Says:


  8. bazelbaer Says:

    press 8 !

  9. DABEASTMW3 Says:

    go spartans! 0:33

  10. Nabend1402 Says:

    @freakman707 You win your bet?

  11. travelinpicker Says:

    HahAH @ 0:52 “Annnnnd….yesssssss”

  12. travelinpicker Says:

    “Noo noo noo, MUCH more.” *splash splash* XD

  13. tubulation Says:

    i had to see it twice to understand… lol
    very nice!

  14. joyofpepsi Says:

    one of the greatest commercials i’ve ever seen

  15. longhorn588 Says:

    I don’t understand why espn won’t make this available on mobile 🙁

  16. coquibaco Says:


  17. dmAkolyte Says:

    sorry, but this is crazy.
    I’m tired of sports fans thinking the fact that they do a bunch of stupid, obsessed things is somehow ‘better’ than hardcore fans of other things.

  18. freakman707 Says:

    thats what happens when you bet against Tim Tebow

  19. altoid2k4 Says:

    @jetquiroz Because making stupid bets like this is fun, especially if you get to make your friends do stupid things, you saying you wouldn’t love to make a friend dress up like a baby and wear a sign that said fart king? Too bad you’ll never be able to do that because the first bet you lose and refuse to pay the price, no one will ever include you in the festivities again, and will probably make fun of you behind your back.

  20. mikeflo2 Says:

    @jetquiroz Thanks for letting us all know that you are not a man of your word. If your not gonna hold up your end, dont shake on it in the first place. Dishonest douchebag.

  21. termspec Says:

    great video LOL especially liked the hair cut

  22. dudeegg2 Says:

    Internet gambling really needs to be legalised for you guys in America

  23. jetquiroz Says:

    Who the heck would agree to do stupid shit like that. I you lose you don’t HAVE to do it.

  24. diegodd Says:

    OMG the “helmet haircut” is amazing!!!!!!!!

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