
Phil Ivey – sick bluff

Author : Betting on Profit

Phil Ivey shows why he is the best poker player in the world.

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25 Responses to “Phil Ivey – sick bluff”

  1. champions20000009 Says:


  2. Sup3rShann0n Says:

    @a1punks I agree the 4 bet is a strong play, but the amount he raised was very small compared to the size of the pot. That makes it hard for any1 to lay down anything (who knows what pot odds are that is), & almost forces Ivey to raise. Even if it did look like a bluff by shoving, Ivey can’t call it w/Q high no matter what he puts him on

  3. Sup3rShann0n Says:

    @jkilla11789 Wtf? I’m pretty sure you can read my comment & tell i have a little better understanding then most people of what happened. You tell me to shut-up? Are you 11? Go play zynga you fucking tool

  4. jkilla11789 Says:

    @Sup3rShann0n shutup u have no idea what just happened that was greatness from both players

  5. lepreconstellmestuff Says:

    real poker=2 one man betting with nothing who then gets reraised bu another man with nothing who gets re-reraised! ahahah wow!

  6. Sup3rShann0n Says:

    @a1punks yea, maybe, but ivey can’t call with Q high. Plus by betting so small he’s taking alot if the pressure off ivey, and giving him the opporutinity to make a play, which is exactly what ivey did.

  7. a1punks Says:

    @Sup3rShann0n Push might have looked too much like a bluff though, the 4 bet looks a bit stronger.

  8. Sup3rShann0n Says:

    Yea. Pretty standard on a flopped paired board to lead out, Jackson wouldn’t reraise on a board that had no possible draws on it with a flopped set, I think ivey would have been more worried if he had just called the initial bet. That 4 bet was a mistake also, he made it too small compared to the pot. If Jackson pushed all in I can’t see ivey calling, but, then again it’s fucking Phil ivey.

  9. Sup3rShann0n Says:

    Yea, this wasn’t that great of a bluff. Pretty standard play heads up on a flopped paired board. Jackson misplayed that 4 bet by making it so small with a million in the pot. If he’d went all in I dunno if ivey could call, but then again it’s fucking Phil ivey.

  10. LiviuXSA Says:

    pretty standard. the guy gave himself away with the last re-raise instead of going all in and ivey just hit the final nail in his coffin

  11. rossm21uk Says:

    ivey might have just decided that jackson wasnt re raising with a jack ,and that if he went all in he could represent that he actualy had a jack and put jackson off alot of hands

  12. bradbaxter7 Says:

    thats soo sweet right there i wish i had his poise

  13. DevrimciTrotzkist Says:

    OMG brilliant reads ivey, but how could he knew that jackson have nothing?even a K4 or another high card will crush him…impressive…

  14. RIPBOBMARLEY69 Says:

    He only plays the best hands because they have a better chance of winning a pot. The few hands he plays, he usually wins a big pot. When he freaks out, it is usually due to amatuers playing poorly and beating him, usually after he has been playing for hours non stop.

  15. zomett Says:

    if you guys don’t know that was staged. It was faked just for you tube.

  16. sheff76 Says:

    this hand is truly one of the best bluffs/reads ive ever seen. he had complete control and knew exactly that his opponent was trying to outplay him. a great clip to show how high of a level a player like ivey plays on. very impressive

  17. JanineRobin Says:

    Phil Ivey = the kind of player you shouldn’t try to make this move against. It probably would have worked with lesser players but Ivey would go nowhere.

  18. fultonreed99 Says:

    i mean thats just running hot its not often a guy raises your bet, you reraise him and he raises you back again and has absolute air. i mean ivey moving in ther eis just reckless he wouldnt have done it if he didnt have 2 cards bigger than 7 (q8hh) because i guess he had him on a 7 at best and even if ivey got called he had 6 outs in his mind. but hes almost never not getting called there

  19. dbommisetty Says:

    great great call

  20. MargotLot Says:

    thats called a continuation bet

  21. EstonianMagic Says:

    that was amazing read to .:)

  22. keeperoyvind Says:

    hellmuth is good, but i think he sometimes just freaks out and looses it all. he belives that the best hand always win. sometimes that is not the case

  23. turtlesecks Says:

    hellmuth is the best poker player

  24. daiyisu Says:

    this is sick

  25. gbza17 Says:

    That’s why he is the sickest mf out there-

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