
Shady Stock Trading Congressman Exposed

Author : Betting on Profit

Alabama Congressman Spencer Bachus (R) is under fire after being exposed for questionable stock trades by 60 Minutes. Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks explains. thinkprogress.org Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com

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25 Responses to “Shady Stock Trading Congressman Exposed”

  1. deetjay1 Says:


    She was cleared of ANY wrong doing…

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  3. financialtools1 Says:

    We learn from 60 Minutes (1.1.12) that Cantor’s wife is an Investment Banker, his office in the USA House is a palace while Cantor complains about Government spending , and from Politico.com we learn that Cantor was the GOP leader that blocked the Insider Trading by Congress Members and their families Legislation to get to the House floor for a vote, and now we know why! We need a full 60 Minutes+Politico… Investigation,Cantor and wife are Congress profiteer’s , financialtools1.blogspot.com

  4. tehdouglas1 Says:

    The Democrats are just as corrupt as the Republicans, maybe not more overtly so.

  5. invaliduser1000 Says:

    Forget Afghanistan , BOMB ALABAMA .Please……….

  6. invaliduser1000 Says:

    Turds like Bachus get hung in Iran,,, Go Iran 

  7. keenkennyny Says:

    @BlueberryFusion All politicians do this and guess what? Consequently they makes the laws. They all do it and they all get away with it. That’s what our system has come to. This is what OWS is all about, too bad the rich contol the media to brainwash everyone else thinking the rich are good, the poor people bad, bad hippies.

  8. DieTheDeath Says:

    at least i’m not surprised…

  9. BlueberryFusion Says:

    You know the saddest part of this is? Even if he does get exposed, there are basically no consequences. The worst thing that happens to him is he goes to court where his 3 million dollar lawyer team bails him out and he retires with a shitload of money in his pocket.

  10. underbjorn Says:

    The biggest supporters of big government are the Republican fucks.

  11. MagneticRep Says:

    Nancy Pelosi did the same thing.

  12. RytanEmpire Says:

    @jasondesante dumb

  13. jasondesante Says:

    Hey Cenk, heres an idea. Get everyone in the world to short everything. That is how the 99% will win. Learn how to trade, and short it. Simple enough.

  14. JCRF Says:

    Spencer Bachus should be tried for insider trading, corruption and treason.

  15. runebeo Says:

    Knowledge is power, insider trading is dirty but they all do it and i know i couldn’t resistant the temptation.

  16. ZachValkyrie Says:

    someone better go to jail and get assraped for this!!!

  17. KEvronista Says:


    i’m not promoting insider trading; just saying that it is not, by default, anti-capitalism.


  18. UndeadLight Says:

    This is why we Occupy.

  19. LittleMissLeared Says:

    Conservatives are like: “Yeah! Go Bachus! That’s the American way.”

  20. AmNotHere911 Says:

    Socialism for the rich = Big government and big corporation, shafting the general public one at a time.

  21. applexy Says:

    @aaronpolitical Enron is a prime example. It would’ve been much more beneficial if CEOs could short the stock with insider information which then the market prices in ( the large selling of stock or some other exercise of an asset(such as put option)). Therefore, ordinary investors have a 100% clear view of the stock. No CEO would long a stock knowing that the company is doomed. It can work the other way, no CEO can short a stock that has immense growth. See what we’re getting at? Just my 2c.

  22. ChipArgyle Says:

    Why is this surprising? Nobody in government is there to serve anyone but themselves. That’s why they make a career out of it instead of serving just one or two terms. They pocket money from backroom deals at the expense of everyone else.

  23. Diapason16ft Says:

    don’t forget the just-as-shady union-free-winery-owning PELOSI.

  24. Diapason16ft Says:

    the thing is it’s not just an Alabama problem. this horseshit is taking the WHOLE country down with it.

  25. avion106 Says:

    @CazyDayz I agree. They have the financial power, but lack the political power (hold the lobbying) unless they are in the system themselves.

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