
Google Tech Talks October 17, 2008 ABSTRACT The LHC is the biggest (27 kilometers around) scientific instrument ever built and it is now ramping up to start taking data. It smashes together protons at enormous energy in order to create new forms of matter. Physicists hope to find the Higgs Boson which is the missing link in our current theory. Hopefully unanticipated discoveries will be made. I will explain why physicists need this expensive tool in order to understand nature at the smallest distance scales. Speaker: Edward Farhi Edward Farhi was trained as a theoretical particle physicist but has also worked on astrophysics, general relativity, and the foundations of quantum mechanics. His present interest is the theory of quantum computation. As a graduate student, Farhi invented the jet variable “Thrust,” which is used to describe how particles in high energy accelerator collisions come out in collimated streams. He then worked with Leonard Susskind on grand unified theories with electro-weak dynamical symmetry breaking. He and Larry Abbott proposed an (almost viable) model in which quarks, leptons, and massive gauge bosons are composite. With Robert Jaffe, he worked out many of the properties of a possibly stable super dense form of matter called “Strange Matter” and with Charles Alcock and Angela Olinto he studied the properties of “Strange Stars.” His interest then shifted to general relativity and he and Alan Guth studied the classical and quantum prospects of

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25 Responses to “Why Physicists Need the Large Hadron Collider”

  1. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    The dust of subatomic particles resulted after the collisions in LHC are particles of ethereal matter, even that the physicists give not them permission of existence! The electrical discharge to one Tesla coil was made and in a basin with water. Great was the surprise that the electrical discharge of the particles of electrical ether in water has the same ARBORESCENT SHAPE – proving the existence, and in water of the primary ethereal gravitational field.

  2. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    From 1967 I analyse with attention all published experiments concerning the accelerators of particles and the controlled thermonuclear fusion, moreover and the scriptural and paleoastronautical information. I had made only a logical and rational synthesis of the applied science, therefore my brothers- you block not the your sites and my computer. Please you to support me, how long, I still can produce such information.

  3. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    Now, were collided particles in LHC and you seen that is nothimg: none Higgs boson, none Big-Bang, neither black holes, but only thousands of shards of ethereal particles.Therefore, now -return you physicists from your distraction at Isaac Newton with his universal attraction law= THE UNIFIED LAW OF THE MATTERS AND FORCES, at the eliminated ETHER by Einstein, at the unseen world of the ethereal and spiritual matters which fill up the Cosmos, and return you at the Lord- at God!

  4. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    The physicists show that about the discovery the Higgs boson it desire and the discovery the origins of the bodies’mass; the discovery the dark matter, the discovery the superior dimensions and the demonstration of the superposition. But as a result to the collisions of particles- the black holes had appeared not, the Big-Bang had appeared not demonstrating that the Large Hadron Collider bring not about us the Apocalipse.

  5. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    It say: with the exception of the Higgs boson all the predicted particles of Standard Model were detected and the them properties were measured with precision. The Standard Model of particles to arrived let be verified, but, if the Higgs boson is not finded, then the Standard Model and the others models will be necessary to be reconstruct from zero.

  6. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    In 1964 physicist Peter Higgs has thinked existence to one energetic field which penetrate whole Universe, and named it “Higgs field” and his particles named “Higgs boson”and that these can give mass the subatomic particles.Thus appear the necessity as in the CERN-frame let it construct an accelerator more big: the LARGE HADRON COLLIDER, which made the first collisions of particles in 14 December 2009, afterwards in 2010, in 2011 nd they uncovered not the Higgs boson particles

  7. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    The movement of the celestial bodies in Cosmos demonstrates that these it can not maintain in the existent formation if not would exist and another matter which let complete and fill up the Cosmos. And this unknown matter, which is the eliminated ETHER- they named she: dark matter and dark energy, which is in proportion of 96% from the Cosmos’s mass.

  8. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    Already the protons, neutrons and electrons are formed through condensation and concentration of the etehreal particles. But how the ETHER has eliminated from physics, the physicists had invented the Standard Model of the particles and them forces excluding the gravity. Thus for to comprise and the gravity with her particles and forces they had invented and the strings theory.

  9. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    The materials seem to be complicated and irregular at the sight with the free eye. But at microscope they it show simple and orderly. All the material shapes: animal. vegetal and mineral are made from atoms and these only from three constituents: protons, neutrons and electrons. The photon of light we see it and the photon of heat we feel it, but the ethereal particles are more small, of a few thousands time; we see not them now, but the our spirits see them.

  10. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    If in 1905 Einstein excludes the ETHER from physics, viz excludes the intergalactic matter, then the his disciples arrive with the relativity theory at Big-Bang, at black holes, holes of worm, at singularity and today at travel in time. Thus the great explosion of George Gamov and his fellows R.A.Ipher and R.C.Hermann, become cosmological standardized theory which is one great bluff!

  11. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    Between 1930…1935 the discord was photon of light.The opinion of physicists had not adopted existence in flight to photon, and photon remain without mass. If photon has not mass, he cannot interact with nothing on trajectory and the light speed remain constant lengthways the trajectory. Thus, in place let to consider that the photons lose themselves the speed on way as result the them interaction with the intergalactic matter, they had set the Universe let it dilate entirely

  12. sandustanBrasov Says:

    Today in front of our eyes and of the observation apparatuses it succedes all evolution phases of the celestial bodies, stars and galaxies. An evidence that the Universe doesn’t seems to have an explosive beginning and doesn’t seems to have ever an end in the his entirely. The facts demonstrates that in Universe the cyclical creation has place continuously in certain parts, and can has not place total creation in the same time in all the mass of the Universe.

  13. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    As early as the time of Michael Faraday at scientific problems in contradiction, academical circles decided victory the some or another.In this optics of domination of certain conceptions: philosophical, theological and of other principles, in science had penetrated mistaken and fallacious theories, and the impossibility of immediate verification, to leaded at the creation others abstractings which had blocked the road of the scientific innovation with practical applications.

  14. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    Today, on measure that the theory advances from classic mechanics to the quantum mechanics the particle and the wave are gradual dematerialize. The modern physics is blocked by enunciation of some laws and mistaken principles as: relativity theory, Hubble’s law, postulation that the atom can’t emit and absorb radiations continously, admitting the postulate what claims the photons without mass a.s.o. These guide- us at supernatural and at the technical and technological blocage

  15. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    Nikola Tesla argued that:” I hold that the space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can has not properties. Of properties it can speak only when it work with the matter which fill up the space. The empty space it can not curve because- something- can not action about -nothing”. This relativity proceed from a philosophical direction, on which A.Einstein produce her when he was found in a state of technical and religious confusion.

  16. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • Sand ustanBrasov
    Einstein ignore and vex over 100 of men of science which had signed a petition in which they upholded that the his relativity theory is wrongly. It renounce at the absolute space and absolute time, it arrive at the Lorentz-Einstein’s transformations through the introduction to two factors- subunitary and superunitary what lead at the infinte mass phantoms, at the infinte energy phantoms and at the infinte impuls phantoms when a body or particle would touch the light speed.

  17. sandustanBrasov Says:

    As a result of the wrong interpretation of the Michelsom-Morley(1881)’s experiments which had demonstrated that the ETHER is entirely trained with the mass and the Earth’s atmosphere, in 1905 A.Einstein renounced at the ether notion, at absolute space and set the relativist mecanics’ base. He emits the two restricted relativity principles through which excludes the Ether, impose as limit of bodies’ movement -the light speed and denatured completely the classic dynamics reality

  18. sandustanBrasov Says:

    Thus, the primary gravitational field it manifest as a solid body for the electrical ether and the electromagnetic phenomenons, and in the same time it manifest as a fluid body for the ethereal concentrated bodies and for the chemical bodies. We perceive the secondary gravitational field among the astral bodies. and in the electrical unloading’s case which are ARBORESCENT we perceive and the primary gravitational field of the primary electrogenic particles.

  19. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    But celestial sources say us that whole Cosmos is filled with a dense powder of alive ethereal and electrogenic particles, and among they are streams of particles and more small because gravitational primary attraction among they, constituting primary gravitational field.But more exist,in the same space and secundary gravitational field produced by the ethereal concentrated particles in the ethereal bodies and in the chemical bodies which are neutral from electrical viewpoint.

  20. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    With much before Einstein, J.C.Maxwell starts from a mental experience, says that he generalize the Faraday’s Electric Induction law and exclaims that the transmited wave would be a successive creation of magnetic fields and electric fields perpendicular between them and on the propagation direction. Since then it preachs the transmission of the electromagnetic wave at thousands kilometres without material suport.

  21. sandustanBrasov Says:

    • SandustanBrasov
    Leibnitz(1646…1716) German scientist, forerunner of the mathematical logic, through the denial the newtonian space- time is and he a forerunner of the Einstein’s relativity. Einstein considers the gravity as a property of the space and not in the least as a property of the matter which fill up this space. The Einstein’s relativity is a geometrization of the space.

  22. sandustanBrasov Says:

    In the century XIX, the new scholars: Coulomb, Laplace, Ampere, Poisson, Green, Gauss, Webwer etc., had holded the action’s theory at distance without material support, and they support only the mathematical abstracted theories. The science already started let it cover more much with the theory than with the practice.

  23. sandustanBrasov Says:

    The theory without logic and reason is and remain an non-reality.The science is at beginning a theory, but has logic and reason and become true after the her practical realisation.The space it stretch in Infinite and the time come from Infinite and it stretch in Infinite marking the reality of the ours material world seen and unseen.The faithless man believe not that exist the God with the our world seen and unseen and then this man can not think and judge with real elements.

  24. sandustanBrasov Says:

    A.Einstein through the his relativity to REVERSED the reality of the our terresterial world. He remove the ETHER from physics and give materiality the space and the time. But the SPACE limit the place where it can unfolding material actions and the TIME mark the period of unfolding to some material actions. The space and the time are only ABSTRACT notions, absolute and colateral which show where and when it unfolding certain material actions.

  25. sandustanBrasov Says:

    The theorist physicist omit to study the science’s history as let understand the things and phenomenons, but they learn only the exposed theory for to obtain a diploma, afterwards they twitter. We must let understand the science and how it was builded. Einstein has and good parts, but those mistaken are catastrophic. But Einstein was not single in the supporting the mistakes.

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