
Fox News Defends Goldman Sachs Fraud!

Author : Betting on Profit

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24 Responses to “Fox News Defends Goldman Sachs Fraud!”

  1. SubwayRatt Says:

    watching this clip and others i get the feeling that the anchor here chris wallace is the least vile person on fox news. the way he laughs at 5:07 is priceless.

  2. jb4rp2012 Says:

    @flinchus This is one area where even Ron Paul want Regulations… so much that he wants to take away all of their UN-NATURAL power…

  3. flinchus Says:

    Big financial institutions who have more economic power than the state need regulating more strictly. Risk tolerances are being set far too high. Greenspan proved beyond a doubt that the invisible hand does not rectify every situation, markets are imperfect. Even Friedman realises it. Hardcore capitalists like hardcore communists need a reality check. Trading financial derivatives is all well and good until the insiders artificially manipulate prices and make a profit on a loss.

  4. pureperil Says:

    @cmills1988 MBSs, CDOs, and CDSs are complicated to understand. Let me use a stock example to demonstrate what a MM does. You want to buy some stock. You like risk, so you buy a very speculative solar company. Once your order is sent, a market maker accepts your bid and sells you stock. The act of them selling something to you gives them the opposite position to you (short). They cover that position(risk) by finding some one to buy from. MMs make money on the spread @ which they buy and sell.

  5. pureperil Says:

    @cmills1988 You prove my point. Goldman was an equity investor in some of the senior tranches of Abacus precisely because counter parties needed another side. Sure, Goldman bought credit protection (CDS) against their stake, but thats what a market maker does to offset their risk (nothing wrong with that). To the question of risk, think of Goldman as a middle man here; simply setting up a deal. IKB and Paulson wanted the risk exposure Abacus provided. They got what they paid for.

  6. pureperil Says:

    @cmills1988 Goldman Sachs is a market maker. There job is to be the other side of a trader when he/she wants to buy / sell a security. Just because something is “risky” doesn’t mean a market can’t be made for it. Almost everything in traded markets carries some degree of risk. Risk is determined by price, volatility, liquidity, and integrity. Some market participants like a lot of risk and some do not. Goldman simply satisfies trader demand for risk exposure. You make money by taking risk, BTW.

  7. pureperil Says:

    What exactly did Goldman know that no one else knew? The other side didn’t know the risks associated with their exposure!?! Did Goldman make the counter parties acquire exposure? There is no scam here. . . Someone, whether long or short, was going to lose on this bet. The only people who are fired up about this are the people who truly don’t understand it.

  8. fusermia327 Says:

    Why should you be surprise that Fox Noise is taken the side of Goldmann Sachs.If you want to remain in the dark keep watching fox noise ,Rush,Palin,Fair and unbalanced Billy Crystal.What a bunch of un-Americans…..Treasonist…..

  9. TrollBuster9090 Says:

    Unless they watch PBS News. But that’s now in the crosshairs…

  10. newdimensionfilms Says:

    Increasing executive authority? This investigation is being done by CONGRESS.

  11. johnybrawos Says:

    Mustafass was an alcoholic drunk. He personaly organized the destruction of all the Christian populations of Anatolia. He raped Christian women, blazed innocent children in the fire and killed their parents and grantparents. He stolen everything from them including their lives. Then he simply took their place calling himself a secular leader. That´s why he drunk so much to forgett his crimes against humanity, but Gods judgment finaly cought up with him, gave him psoriasis of the lever. The end!

  12. Dickeyj2010 Says:

    @drbayoms I don’t know or want capitalism to work non regulated. I disagree with the whole capitalistic point of view on many levels. I just haven’t figured out a better solution yet. We pay our basket ball players millions, our investment firm CEO’s 65 million, and our teachers 20 thousand. Is our desires in the wrong place? Our demand sure is. But who’s fault is it? The Media? No, it can’t be… my favorite shows don’t tell me how to dress or what type of people I’m attracted to…

  13. drbayoms Says:

    Goldman KNEW what was in the “package”, investors did not. And you forgot to mention that Rating Agencies are paid by companies like Goldman. You are basically rating a company which keeps your lights on. The Rating Agencies were in on it too. All the investment firms did, was commit fraud against it’s investors. Don’t whitewash this. Just have the onions to say what you really feel. “Unfeathered capitalism works”. I’m sure that’s what you want to say.

  14. steelersguy74 Says:

    Ugh why do people still listen to Bill Krystol? I don’t think he’s ever been right about anything. He should have been canned a long time ago.

  15. Dickeyj2010 Says:

    This guys just proved his lack of information and education. The Mortgage backed securities that were sold to investors and packed by Goldman sachs and other large investment firm where not rated by them but out side rating companies. They did not force anyone to buy them. Goldman was slow compared to other more intelligent companies and firms that bet against the sub prime mortgages that these securities were made out of. All the investment firms did was try and protect their losses

  16. ProtectandServe21 Says:

    @ProtectandServe21 The two birds with one stone deal…

  17. ProtectandServe21 Says:

    Good for them! They can join the Wall Street criminals in prison…

  18. ToxinalX Says:

     Ron Paul 2012 !

  19. LordoftheKaty Says:

    @1231238502 Kristol’s father, Irving Kristol, was also a former “proud” Trotskyite communist, and founder of modern neoconservatism which has polluted and brainwashed Americans to think big military and our foreign policy is American when it is not and is actually imperialism.

  20. LordoftheKaty Says:

    I don’t like TYT, but I also do not like Fox, and this is exactly why I do not like Fox, defending the looters of America and misinforming people that what they do is free market capitalism when it is NOT, but is redistribution of wealth, stolen from the American people, special interest used to destroy fair competition so these giant failures and looters do not have to follow the ru;es of a free market, and now Americans think this is capitalism. WRONG. Beck doesn’t understand true capitalism.

  21. 1231238502 Says:

    bill kristol is founder of FPI and previous founder of PNAC who advocated and lobbied for invasion of Iraq. Kristol is zionist and enemy of american people.

  22. ENJOYtheLITTLthings Says:

    I canceled my Facebook account the other day and you should too. Goldman Sachs IS BIG BROTHER. They are WAY to powerful to have access to Facebook and all our personal information. This is a very scary situation.

    Click here to learn how to permanently delete your Facebook account.


  23. LoveThroughTheLens Says:

    THAT twat is being paid by them. Governement own CCN news,

  24. MsMihailescu Says:

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