
Do you have a gambling problem?

Author : Betting on Profit

this video will answer if you have an addiction

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25 Responses to “Do you have a gambling problem?”

  1. TheSmoothoperate Says:

    This dumbass don’t understand anything lol

  2. TheSmoothoperate Says:


  3. cheetoandkia Says:

    I just fucked up 380.00 of my money today.

  4. dbzsnakedante9 Says:

    hahah i lost my house due to gambling addiction, I would have had to answer yes to all those questions… one day though i will win it back

  5. PharaohMC Says:

    5 years in GA (and counting) has worked for me. No reason to Gamble, now with a ton of reasons to not gamble!

  6. DavSteve Says:

    Yes to almost all of those

  7. stoned372 Says:

    Lol I Answered yes to like 12 of those questions

  8. jsiszero Says:

    and if you think everybody wins, then why do casinos stay in business?

  9. jsiszero Says:

    I never really get gamblers… play a game that you know you’ll always win: saving money.

  10. infinitylotto Says:

    Check out my free lottery channel

  11. h11kim Says:

    PLEASE, STOP, I know from personal experience. You are too smart to let gambling ruin your life, and future. No joke.

  12. tony232cool Says:

    funny because I go to the casino every week and I answered these questions the same way. It is so hard to accept that there is an addiction, it takes a lot of guts to answer these questions honestly

  13. DARKOBLIVI0N Says:

    ive never gambled in my life and i never plan to.. i dont even play the lotto cuz its a waste of cash. id rather have the money ive earned than risk losing it all. yeah theres a chance u can win lot of money but its very slim and the house usually wins.

  14. pufifa Says:

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  15. ic069 Says:

    @KianAlexina I play poker, i only win. HAHA RIGHT IN YOUR DREAMS.

  16. MrMobster1980 Says:

    these cats are honest, that’s what counts! We all sinners but listen honest sinner is much different than the one who lies to others and themselves 😉 thumbs up Dawg!

  17. aznbrakerx88 Says:

    @vrealrad true that brother, I just wish it wasn’t easier said than done.

  18. ironman6381 Says:

    Rounders is to blame for poker taking off lol

  19. dmed312 Says:

    Unless you really did lose $2500 in 5 min, you DON”T have a gambling problem. Those things are so stupid. They make it sound like everyone has a gambling problem.

  20. rubent100 Says:

    ey the due interviewing looks like will smith

  21. MrSUiTeDAcEs Says:

    @JarHead0311SS i have the same idea.. i have been playing non stop for the past year and i can’t stop tilting it all away.. ive never deposited so any money i lost was money once gained on a freeroll but it is still a waste of time because it will never amount to anything

  22. no1petedohertyfan Says:

    yeh twat

  23. sharkl11 Says:

    my buddy is a gambleholic. Just drives me crazy that he shoots 3-500 average a hand and he complains that his $50 steak meal was too expensive??? There has to be some kind of term for that.

  24. pimpmyride666 Says:

    There are 2 different ways to really kick a gambling addiction. Learn basic strategy, card counting, record your practice results, and don’t gamble money you can’t afford to lose no matter how good you are. Also, accept Jesus Christ into your life. When that happens, you’ll be called and feel more ready to get rid of the stuff that hinders your spiritual health, like negative expectation gambling.

  25. vrealrad Says:

    the day you stop gambling is the day you start winning

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