
Dead Rising Cultist Leader Boss

Author : Betting on Profit

Disclaimer: This video is not intended to demonstrate my playing skill. I must apologize. I’m betting this video’ll come out blurry and hard to see in most places, considering the theater where you fight this guy is pretty dark. There’s not anything I can do about that though, considering the theater’s always lit like that (if I remember correctly).

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25 Responses to “Dead Rising Cultist Leader Boss”

  1. davagent12 Says:

    I guess now he can’t
    “takes off sunglasses”
    can’t wear his sunglasses

  2. MynciNabriskie Says:

    Anyone else notice that the food store is called “Seon’s Food And Stuff” and the cultist leader’s name is Sean?

  3. OrthodoxParadoxBox Says:

    It would have been more awesome if his body shocked and exploded afterward.

  4. OrthodoxParadoxBox Says:

    @YoshiBrothers1998 Thanks. Also, I like the username. YoshiFTW.

  5. YoshiBrothers1998 Says:

    @OrthodoxParadoxBox much betta =D *gives 500 bucks*

  6. OrthodoxParadoxBox Says:

    @YoshiBrothers1998 Or you could say that guy finally
    *puts on novelty glasses*
    saw the point

  7. OrthodoxParadoxBox Says:

    @YoshiBrothers1998 YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

  8. YoshiBrothers1998 Says:

    @OrthodoxParadoxBox wow seriously? -_-

  9. rockdragon13 Says:

    es mas facil con la siera del payaso q previamente lo mataste

  10. Taz123tz Says:

    her sharp dick got to his eyes

  11. Kitanohydros Says:

    Why is there a priest in a mall in the first place? O_o?

  12. Warhawk0602 Says:

    This…is why religion fails.

  13. Moldredd Says:

    Leslie Nielsen incarnate!

  14. RickeySnake Says:

    I guess he didn’t see that one coming

  15. shadowstoper007 Says:

    LOOK UP!!!
    (5 sec. later)
    too late…

  16. lukeloveallTV Says:

    2:31 give that body! >:D

  17. MusicFan1171 Says:

    @wawa865 you sir, are a LEGEND

  18. wawa865 Says:


  19. onoratodanny Says:

    @Smitamas101 and this gave us a hint of No More Heroes.

  20. tehawesome97 Says:

    I’m a sword and I find this offensive.

  21. scout101ful Says:

    wow wow hold it, this is dead rising not assassin’s cred O.O

  22. thegamer9302 Says:

    it gave him something alright

  23. Theisleofsheep Says:

    20 shotgun shells to the face LIKE A BOSS

  24. gamerslipknot Says:

    Whats the name of the song?

  25. xxDoomyBleedsxx Says:

    Every time I play this game, I can never seem to get to this fight sequence. Not sure why.

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