
New Exclusive Bank for Super Rich

Author : Betting on Profit

Wells Fargo is creating an exclusive bank only for the super wealthy (only people with fifty million dollars or more). Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian talk about why the banks would go after the super wealthy, and Bank Transfer Day. www.suntimes.com Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com

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25 Responses to “New Exclusive Bank for Super Rich”

  1. CHEESYhairyGASH Says:

    @Shnimberz …. and since taking the job he talks in a language that no one really understands unless they them selves are in the industry. like i say it is only one person, but to me it has confirmed my assumption that banks wish to remain elusive and unaccountable. the use of language by financial institutions needs to be examined such that it is easier to understand, should financial language be taught in school?

  2. CHEESYhairyGASH Says:

    @Shnimberz too right ma mna, the financial system is SO complicated, now dont get me wrong I am no conspiracist and I certainly dont have enough experience to make a faultless judgement. However it is my belief that is desirable for the financial institutions that hold wealth in thrall to remain aloof. my cousin occupies a senior position in citigroup, he knows i think what he does is immoral and he is an ass hole for doing it because he is intelligent enough to know what he does is wrong….

  3. TheGoodFight916 Says:

    WTF is wrong with Wells Fargo catering to the ultra wealthy? Big Government caters to all the poor entitlement slobs unwilling to work for a paycheck. Sounds like Wells Fargo evened the playing ground…

  4. MyFamilyShield Says:

    My Shield Corp
    Domain: myshield us
    My Family Shield
    Domain: myfamilyshield us
    Fantasia Productions
    Domain: fantasiaproductions com
    Email: corp myshield us
    You Tube
    MUST secure our Funding to start!

  5. Games2view Says:

    Bad numbers this is nominal dollar value not real dollar value which would account for inflation. Money isn’t worth what it was before.

  6. Stevie68000 Says:

    Jew = Economic destruction

    1. In 1998, Broosley Born ( white woman ) was chairman to the
    Commodity Future Trading Commission.

    2. She wanted to regulate the sub-primes mortgages market.

    3. 4 Jews went up against her. In 2008 these sub-prime mortgages exploded & thousands of Americans left homeless.

    4. The Jew are : Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, Arthur Levitt

    5. Watch PBS programme on youtube : The Warning.

    6. Testimony to US Congress included.

  7. Groth1175 Says:

    @Shnimberz You aren’t an idiot, they make this stuff complicated on purpose. Its easier to rob you if you are confused.

  8. Shnimberz Says:

    I’m 19 and I feel like I should know more about this stuff but frankly I have no idea about banks and credit unions. I also have no idea about how the banks bet money and make a profit. Is anyone else on the same boat or am I just an idiot?

  9. Frances3654 Says:

    The flag in the background looks oddly like a the confederate flag.

  10. ccricers Says:

    @coltor9 At least Fifth Third bank represents 5/3 of the people.

  11. ccricers Says:

    @ipwnm00bs Numark seems to be good, they have many thousands of customers in the area.

  12. ccricers Says:

    @DillonDee1 I’m curious about these, but worried about losing a lot of convenience. Do debit cards still work with all credit unions?

  13. daftronome Says:

    You are so lame.

  14. robman8855 Says:

    @DillonDee1 sneaky CUs? stop defending the banks… we need credit and lending, not manipulation

  15. anonymouse1969 Says:

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Hustle hard stack paper. If your a guy that cant make money, GTFO. If your a girl, then tits or GTFO

  16. DillonDee1 Says:

    Credit Unions were orginally designed for small groups of ppl – such as ppl at 1 company, or in a plumbers union, etc

    Then CUs started letting other family memers join & then broadened out to accept any1 in the county, etc

    The Banks took them to court claiming it was unfair b/c the CUs sometimes have office space furnished by a company & are non-profits so they can charge less fees & less interest

    THE US SC agreed but then the sneaky CUs slipped a law thru Congress that cancelled the SC order

  17. jninewaz Says:

    Why sure they will create a bank for the super wealthy!!! Think how much they can make off their money!!!

  18. jninewaz Says:

    Hey people that dont trust credit unions either your the 1% or your a bunch of complete idiots!! There not FDIC!! duh…!! find a non profit one..

  19. sactowncr1minal Says:

    @DillonDee1 no even after 4 yrs of money constantly running through safe credit union ,my girlfriend a 21 yr old student with no credit history was STILL DENIED a 500 credit line! nobody wants to fucking lend money anymore, i still dont trust the credit unions

  20. ScientistSoundSytem Says:

    10,000 households? Didnt know there where that many but then again you gotta count celebs, business owners and people who inherited their wealth. So now when I think about it that number sounds about right.
    Hopefully I can be that wealthy some day, it sucks being broke and easting ramen noodles everyday

  21. johnedwards1968 Says:

    @XXXXNanoXXXxxx I think credit unions are insured with FDIC as well.

  22. Stevie68000 Says:

    Jew & General Anthony Zinni :

    1. Commander In Chief, US Cental Command ( Middle East )

    2. In CBS programme 60 Minutes, General Zinni said the Iraq War was driven by Jew for Israel.

    3. Thousands of American troops died & their families suffers.

    4. Deputy Defense Secretary, Paul Wolfowitz – Jew

    5. Undersecretary of Defence, Douglas Feith – Jew

    6. Defency Policy Board Member, Richard Perle -Jew

    7. National Security Council, Eliot Abrams – Jew

    8. Cheney’s Chief of Staff, Lewis Libby – Jew

  23. herduliekdemmudkipz Says:

    @interstate317 My point was that they make billions of dollars in profits. They may cry because they actually need to pay for their fuck-ups, and I assure you they have the money to pay. They just don’t want to cut in to their profits so they try to blame the $5 fee on the big bad gov’t .

  24. Demarcoa Says:

    @underbjorn yeah I’m in a similar position. Our canadian banks are better regulated but there are a lot of advantages to investing in a credit union that reinvests in the community. But they can’t subprime loan their way into bankruptcy, so its not vital like it would be if we were American.

  25. trulifesk8r5904 Says:

    anyone else notice how before you watch these videos you get a smear add against the ows movement?

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