2011-06-25 1st journal, Matan day 5 Eagle ♥ More discussion on this topic, here – www.scribd.com NOTE: Voice & image got out of sync in one spot. Oh well… 😉 ♥ Inelia’s interview – www.youtube.com ♥ Inelia’s website – www.ascension101.com Intro: What can I say about this? Another interesting video journal experience. They often feel so different, coming through. It’s rather amazing. How can I say, again and again, that I feel, that the journaling, too, feels so different? Day after day it just feels like this. There’s a certain sameness, too. It’s not like everything has totally changed, or anything. There’s just a certain heart sense, an awareness of the change in my consciousness. I guess maybe that’s it. And I’m betting I’m not the only one this is happening to. I love viewing other videos where people describe the same things that I’m going through. So, this time, though I’ve introduced Inelia Benz, before, I present something different about her – a certain emptiness. Though I’ve watched her interview with Bill Ryan of Project Avalon (formerly of Project Camelot) any number of times, during the most recent viewing I saw some new things in it – one of which was a certain emptiness she displays for us. I want to share that with you – thus this journal. So often I talk about being the “Empty cup.” What the heck is that, right? Well, I don’t know, really. I have the sense of it, but putting such things into words is rather iffy. Those on the Buddhist path will

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25 Responses to “LIVE – Inelia as Emptiness — Higher Dimensions Here in 3D — The “Future””

  1. MrSchpankme Says:

    Inelia Benz is nothing more then an ACTOR who plays many parts. What bullshit are you promoting? Look at 4:05 of this video and see her many parts: /watch?v=fzpIWqRR71k&feature=c­hannel_video_title

  2. MrSchpankme Says:

    Inelia Benz is nothing more then an ACTOR who plays many parts. What bullshit are you promoting? Look at 4:05 of this video and see her many parts: /watch?v=fzpIWqRR71k&feature=c­hannel_video_title

  3. TheseEyesGod Says:

    Very good. Thus, you use free will to make it very clear, what you want. You are perhaps sensitive. Like most things, it has its blessings but also its challenges.

    Be blessed 🙂

  4. qusarstellar Says:

    @TheseEyesGod never thought about the prayer way will try this though threw the necklace into a lake right after felt the negative stuff so to speak about six years back.Thankyou for being so cool.

  5. TheseEyesGod Says:

    Well – I would dispose of it – after requesting that all negative energy be removed from both you and it. I would also look closely at the relationship – at the giver of the gift. It may even be something intentionally attached, energetically.

    I have had the same thing happen with a beautiful crystal someone gave me. As much as I love crystal, I said prayers of exorcism over it, soaked it in salt water bath to cleanse it, and disposed of it & the relationship 😉

  6. qusarstellar Says:

    Hi TheseEyesGod I’ve a question again. Someone years ago gave me a necklace and it had something icky with it that attached after I put on gift.I knew something was happening after felt it.this entity drains and follows.ive tried many ways but it’s still there.im highly sensitive and can feel but it’s been a hard life with this thing around.im thankful for any advice.

  7. TheseEyesGod Says:

    Thank you. I am grateful

  8. qusarstellar Says:

    @TheseEyesGod Thankyou for your words they’re very comforting.

  9. TheseEyesGod Says:

    … is the solar system, with the Sun at the center, and all the planets with their orbits make up the rest, all orbiting around. Now, that frisbee has been partially in the photon band for years. Thus, earth would pass thru the photon band energy for first a small part, then larger and larger parts of the year. Come 2012 we don’t leave it again for maybe 2,000 years. See?

    Just align with and live in your highest integrity – be true to your Higher Self – that is all. 🙂

  10. TheseEyesGod Says:

    Hi there. Well, first, let go the fear of being “left behind.” The way I see it, it’s what we choose, & clearly you choose to rise. As long as your actions, intentions, etc go along with that choice, you’ve got it made.

    An interesting thing about the photon band is that most of the solar system has been within it for several years. The 2012 is only approximately when the earth (maybe the rest, too) will be 100% in it all the time. Imagine a frisbee – now that is…

  11. qusarstellar Says:

    Hi TheseEyesGod and thank you for being open on what you feel.I have so many questions after finding out about the world events taking place and I’m afraid of being a person that is left behind or doesnt evolve with the shift thats taking place throughout our galaxy.The cloud of energy from the photon ban.ive hears that our sun will be entering that phono ban at the height of the solar maximum within the next year.Is this what people are suppose to align with in their hearts via light and love?

  12. dpara22 Says:

    @TheseEyesGod NO, but there is one truth of the divine. One open will Keep looking and not discard it..Sometimes we do not want to see it, because of our hunger for light in this realm. It is not about right and wrong as you would be playing in the duality of 3D. As mentioned before it is about discernment of divine..only known when in complete resonance. “Another cannot tell us what to see – or what we see”. This is what you have just done in this video. Little grandmother was no different.

  13. TheseEyesGod Says:

    I quite agree with you. I simply do not see this “false light” appearance in Inelia.

    Each one’s vision is valid for the self. Another cannot tell us what to see – or what we see. Thus, comes in the respect mentioned above. We simply allow one another the differences of our vision or perspective, yes? I am content that it be so. In my world there is not one “right” way.

  14. dpara22 Says:

    @TheseEyesGod Giving the basis of vibration mentioned above, one would expect a congruency in manifestation hence the dense dark energy projecting a manifestation accordingly. This is not the reality at all. Please feel it in your heart. The power that be is in the 4/5 th dimension and while it can manipulate and use others, they can very easily manifest light as well. However, in my experience they can not sustain it.

  15. TheseEyesGod Says:

    Ditto - appreciate yours

  16. dpara22 Says:

    @TheseEyesGod Interesting perspective..it is definetely not the case. No need for me to provide details. If everything we discern is what we project in this realm, then the controllers (dark energy- is our projection. While this might be the case at a source level, in this realm of manifestation where separation took place we create in accordance to the level of vibration- Appreciate your comment.

  17. dpara22 Says:

    @CMTELEGRAPH You are indeed right! Unfortunetely not too many can feel it or see it. The dark can manifest a pretend light. What a dissapointment for many..look at Inelia’s followers being lead to a confused path of manipulation. Read her new article of debt..interact with her, observe her manifestation off the camera..

  18. TheseEyesGod Says:

    I like the tone of your comment. There is absolutely no need that all agree. Individuality leads us in the dance where it will. We can also celebrate, yes CELEBRATE our differences – rendering joy for the beauty we see in one another. I promise, this is so :))

  19. TheseEyesGod Says:

    Thank you for the calm, respectful way of your comment.  I love it when we can disagree with integrity.

    As for that, I have interacted with her, closely, and found her to be a being of integrity
    I hope you will be open to consider the possibility of projection. I look for this in myself a lot, too – for it is by projection that we create our whole world. I like Dimitri Halley on this

    Meanwhile, perhaps one’s path has use 4 Inelia’s vibration, while another doesn’t. IDK (I don’t know)

  20. dpara22 Says:

    Go back again and review her energetic signature..interact with it..you will be surprised of the opposite truth.

  21. 1tabularasa1 Says:

    to all naysayers:
    ….anyway, I´ve made my decision.
    Revolution? Evolution is the name of the game!
    btw: I don`t care about neither 5% or95%.
    I´m an adult man who thinks for himself.
    Make your choice and live with it….free will, remenber?

  22. Xanathos007 Says:

    @TheseEyesGod so do it on your planet… walk-in and wanderer are the messager of despair. Things are happening, and you’ll how wrong you are… your not human and you’ll never be… never…

  23. TheseEyesGod Says:

    Thank you. I sense you are very kind, but perhaps also a bit frightened. This is understandable, but it is so very wonderful to be without fear – and also possible. May I share?

    Our Father/Mother God takes very good care of us. All we need do is cooperate. In oneness with Source, nothing can hurt us. Sometimes, even tho we may walk a way for a time that we see later was not the best, there was reason and Light’s purpose for having us go thru that. All works for the best 🙂

  24. Xanathos007 Says:

    Walk-in and wanderer are a great threat for humanity ! She is one of them ! The new age movement is evil, be carful.

  25. TheseEyesGod Says:

    Okay - please define “new age”

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