
6. The boy who Blocked his own Shot

Author : Betting on Profit

Brand New Deja Entendu If it makes you less sad I will die by your hand I hope you find out what you want I already know what I am And if it makes you less sad We’ll start talking again And you can tell me how vile I already know that I am I’ll grow old And start acting my age I’ll be a brand new day In a life that you hate A crown of gold A heart that’s harder than stone And it hurts a whole lot But it’s missed when it’s gone Call me a safe bet I’m betting I’m not I’m glad you that can forgive Only hoping as time goes You can forget If it makes you less sad I’ll move out of the state You can keep to yourself I’ll keep out of your way And if it makes you less sad I’ll take your pictures all down Every picture you paint I will paint myself out It’s as cold as a tomb And it’s dark in your room When I sneak to your bed To pour salt in your wounds So call it quits Or get a grip Say you wanted a solution You just wanted to be missed Call me a safe bet I’m betting I’m not I’m glad that you can forgive I’m only hoping as time goes You can forget So you can forget You can forget You are calm and reposed Let your beauty unfold Pale white like the skin Stretched over your bones Spring keeps you ever close You are second hand smoke You are so fragile and thin Standing trial for your sins Holding onto yourself the best you can You are the smell before the rain You are the blood in my veins Call me a safe bet I’m betting I’m not I’m glad that you can forgive I’m only hoping as time

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24 Responses to “6. The boy who Blocked his own Shot”

  1. DuchessDank Says:

    geebus this album is so poetic… well story poem.. aggghh i lovvvve jesseee. I want to make his babiiies..

  2. sean48611 Says:

    I hope I don’t have to do any of these things to make her less sad.. I just want her again. We both made mistakes, and I want to fix them all.. I only hope you let me.

  3. MrMusicfan124 Says:

    @hey0oxjon I say go get your heart back.

  4. jonasbabe75 Says:

    Fuck you Aaryn…you never believe a word I say, and you don’t care that you hurt me every day by not giving me an answer. I’m better for you and you choose not to see it. I still like you though, even when you call me a bitch or a jerk, I still like you.

  5. hey0oxjon Says:

    2 years later, my hearts still in delaware, with the girl who took it.

  6. Tinzert Says:

    @MrMusicfan124 “Jokes”? Its not a joke if its true. Also y u mad? Butthurt must reign rampant.

  7. MrMusicfan124 Says:

    @Tinzert Are you saying having small balls make people mad? What? hahaha. You have alot of problems with unfunny sex and genitalia “jokes”, are you in the 6th grade or something?

  8. s4r4h62 Says:

    My life’s theme song

  9. irishcoliny Says:

    changed my life

  10. MayMayMayhem Says:

    ah, this song will never get old. <3

  11. CooKidMcRib Says:

    Must not feed the troll…

  12. Tinzert Says:

    *Leaves video for a month*

    It would seem, from all of these comments addressing me, that you all are mad.

    Not my fault your balls are peanut-sized.

  13. PFCVoshell Says:

    @Tinzert Stop telling men to go finger themselves it creepy. do you attain some sort of enjoyment thinking about it? Creep!

  14. PFCVoshell Says:

    @Tinzert I agree listening to a 30 minute album on your way to work/home is definitely a huge wast of time. You know theses people should be ashamed of themselves listing to music they enjoy. There men and as such should be listing to “Manly” music! 

  15. PFCVoshell Says:

    @Tinzert Good point! lets not have any common ground with those smelly girls at all! that way we can stay as far away from them as possible. Im with you King Asshole!

  16. PFCVoshell Says:

    @Nefariouspat I fear that what you stumbled upon was a mindless troll he has nothing intellectual to say he is simply an idiot tring to piss ppl off. Oh, perhaps i should address him. @Tinzert You are a mindless troll and your comments are worth less than my lawn clippings. @Nefariouspat There i believe that settles it.

  17. PFCVoshell Says:

    @Tinzert You sir are a crude and vile person get out of my internet. oh, and your stupid!

  18. baybehcassie94 Says:

    this song always reminds me of my ex, ‘So call it quits or get a grip. Say you wanted a solution you just wanted to be missed’ .

  19. caleballenf Says:

    Hey everyone..I’m an 18 year-old kid trying to reach a few people with my music..I just did a cover of “Children of Divorce” by Jonny Craig and it would mean a lot if you took a few minutes to check it out, thanks!!

  20. decensus Says:

    Don’t feed the trolls

  21. DRFTBling711 Says:

    enough bitching and enjoy the song.

  22. DJFresherDenYou Says:

    This will forever be my favorite song .

  23. Mordeci819 Says:

    @Tinzert And I will agree, exercise does help. But some people just don’t do that. Believe it or not, music that people can relate to DOES help. Why the hell would someone write about such if it didn’t?

  24. Mordeci819 Says:

    @Tinzert This music only pushes you into a deeper depression if you let it. Some people let music express the way they feel, even if it’s a depressing song, it still helps that person feel a bit better. Everyone isn’t like you dude. Some people don’t exercise, some people aren’t as outgoing and open to talking about things, so they let the music speak for them. I hate people who judge someone solely based off music alone. Those are the small-minded individuals everyone needs to avoid.

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